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Do these graphs show normality of model residuals? [closed]

I have a linear mixed-effects model (lme4 R package) and I am trying to work out whether the model residuals meet the assumption of normality. However, by looking at the graphs below (model residuals ...
Darius's user avatar
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What kind of residuals should we test for linear mixed-effects models (LMER)?

I'm on a journey trying to get my mind around the normality of residuals assumption for linear mixed-effects models, this is a FOLLOW-UP POST While studying to better understand what I could do to ...
Larissa Cury's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Lmer violating residuals' normality assumption: What should I do? When "enough data" is enough?

I'm trying to plot the following lmer: mod1 <- lmer(SCORE ~ X1_c * X2 + (1|PARTICIPANT), data = data) With THIS dataset. (this is a Git link) However, I can't ...
Larissa Cury's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Dealing with heavy-tailed residuals when fitting hierarchical linear models using lme4

This is my first time posting, so please excuse any issues with respect to my description of the problem and the presentation of the data and code I have supplied. Summary of the Design 30 listeners ...
Charlie Nagle's user avatar
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Shapiro-Francia test error

I'm trying to run a normality test on the residuals after fitting a mixed-effect model (with lmer). I read that the Shapiro-Francia test can deal with data with more than 5000 observations (I have ...
cecile's user avatar
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