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Can we use macro variable (e.g.gdp_growth) in a panel data?

I am examining one country over a period of 10 years. I am interested to see whether GDP_growth had a heterogeneous effect on wages across people with different educational background. The code below ...
Jack's user avatar
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Relaxed parallel lines (proportional odds) assumption of ordered logistic regression in multilevel setting in Stata

I am desperately looking for a way to build a multilevel ordered regression for variables which showed to violate the proportional odds (parallel lines) assumption in a single level model variant. ...
Wattseheck's user avatar
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How can I reproduce the gllamm() Stata function in R? [closed]

I'm currently working in a project, where I replicate a project that has been conducted with Stata. I, however, work with R. The task is to estimate a multi level logit model. In Stata, the project ...
MNeumann's user avatar
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Different variance estimator for multilevel ordinal logistic regression in Stata and R

I estimate a multilevel ordinal logistic regression models in Stata and R, and receive different estimators for the variance and the covariance of the latent variable of the higher level. Among other ...
Klaus Pforr's user avatar
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Illustrative datasets and analysis for multilevel modelling

I recently took an introductory course on multilevel modelling. Most of the datasets and examples we used were from the social sciences. I've just got a 2 week internship in a biostatistics department,...
LeelaSella's user avatar
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Multilevel regression using lmer function in R and Stata

I have a large dataset and have performed a multilevel regression in Stata, the model is the following: ...
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