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What is the difference between Tolerance Interval and Control Limits?

I understand that a tolerance interval indicates a range within which a specified percentage of a population (future value) is expected to fall. Control limits, on the other hand, represent the ...
user510's user avatar
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Calculation of a nonparametric equal-tailed (central) tolerance interval for an unknown continuous distribution

Assume we have a sample of size $n$ from an unspecified continuous distribution $F(\cdot)$. We wish to construct a tolerance interval to contain $(100\,\beta)\%$ of the population with a pre-specified ...
COOLSerdash's user avatar
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interval depending on sample size

I came across these funnel plots here and tried to reproduce something similar where I have a normally distributed population and I happen to know the true population mean (500000) and standard ...
cs0815's user avatar
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finding different value while doing regression

My question may sound unclear but I'm going to explain it in detail. I have a data set includes two-column with 50 samples. let's call the first column energy and the second column cracking. Let's ...
sariii's user avatar
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Conditioning within definition explanation

I have a doubt on the meaning of a conditioning within a definition. In a book I've found the following definition of upper tolerance limit: $P(P(X<\bar X+kS|\bar X, S)>p)=1-\alpha$ where $X$ ...
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