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Let $X, Y$ be independent RVs given the variances and no means what is correlation coefficient of $X$ and $Z=2X+Y$?

Let $X, Y$ be independent RV given the variance and no means what is correlation coefficient of $X$ and $Z=2X+Y$? Given $var(X)=3, var(Y)=4$ and $\mathbf{E}[X]$ and $\mathbf{E}[Y]$ are not known, let $...
user8714896's user avatar
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Solving an equation to find two unknown weights given an unbiased estimate

Apologies if this is a simple question; I am reviewing out of Seber and Lee's book on regression and I am pretty rusty in my linear algebra Suppose that $X_1, ..., X_n$ have a common mean $\mu$ and ...
Marcel's user avatar
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Correlation coefficient $(Y=aX+b)$

Consider two random variables $X$ and $Y$. Assume now that $Y=aX+b$ where $a<0$ and $-\infty<b<\infty$. Determine the value of the correlation coefficient $\rho(X,Y)$. My attempt. $$\rho(X,...
Mathxx's user avatar
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Correlation.. covariance.. I am so lost

This monday I'll take my exam in Investment analyses. My teacher usually gives a matrix with covariances and beta's, which makes it easy to find Expected return/ Variance. He just posted some exam ...
Idontgetstatsplshelpme's user avatar
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Variance of a difference variable

I have a question I'm quite struggling with. $\newcommand{\Var}{{\rm Var}} \newcommand{\Cov}{{\rm Cov}}$ Let's say I have variable $x_1$, and I know that $x_2=x_1+d$, with $d$ being a random variable ...
idif's user avatar
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Derive the LLN for a certain sequence

I have a sequence of dependent random variables $X_1, X_2...X_n$. Each RV is correlated with two other RVs and uncorrelated with the others.The ones that are correlated satisfy the condition $Cov(X_i,...
jwitbo's user avatar
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Variance of Z for Z = X + Y, when X and Y correlated

So I'm trying to show that ${\rm Var}(Z) \le 2({\rm Var}(X)+{\rm Var}(Y))$ for $Z = X + Y$. This seems to be pretty easy to show given that $X$ and $Y$ are uncorrelated. But I'm running into trouble ...
user2208604's user avatar
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Correlation influence on two variable coefficients

Consider the linear model $Y = B_{0} + B_{1}X_{1} + B_{2}X_{2} + e$, where the columns $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ of the design matrix have mean $0$ and length $1$. That is $X_{i}'X_{i} = 1$ and $X_{i}'J = 0$...
simplemts's user avatar
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ANOVA determining percentage of variation

The Financial Review wished to estimate the amount of annual government spending using tax revenue and level of nationwide debt. Data from 1958-2008 (inclusive) was used. All variables were measured ...
Unistudent87's user avatar
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Finding correlation coefficient

if I have A and B with the following known variables: with $E[A]$, $E[B]$ , $\sigma_{A}$ , $\sigma_B$ and correlation coefficient: $\rho_{AB}$ (assign numbers if you like) Say: $C=0.6A+0.4B$ Then ...
user20237's user avatar
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Do we need an unbiased estimator of the variance?

"Although it is nice to have an unbiased estimator of the variance, we do not really need it to understand the relation between our independent variable and our dependent variable. Why?" I think I ...
Sagarika's user avatar