I am wondering how I should best interpret the results below. This is comparing weekdays with a count of 59 data values each (new shoes produced).
According to documentation, I should reject the null hypothesis (H0: μ1 = μ2 = μ3 = μ4 = μ5) because F is higher than F crit.
Also: the p value (0.04) is slightly lower than the alpha level (0.05) which means I should reject the null hypothesis? Again the difference is only 0.1.
My question about this is, in this case F is only 0.1 higher, so should I still reject the null hypothesis or what conclusion should I draw here? Also, any advice on the next step is appreciated.
Anova: Single Factor
Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Monday 59 980 16.61016949 28.82817066
Tuesday 59 1013 17.16949153 17.45353594
Wednesday 59 1123 19.03389831 13.44710695
Thursday 59 1026 17.38983051 21.10403273
Friday 59 1025 17.37288136 14.13442431
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 193.579661 4 48.39491525 2.547978632 0.039572509 2.402774956
Within Groups 5508.101695 290 18.99345412
Total 5701.681356 294