Short answer: From what I know, no.
You need to consider to different aspects of a model: the parameter space and the prediction space. Model complexity only concerns the model's prediction space. As far as I know, there is no measure of model complexity that also takes the parameter space into account.
Furthermore, I think your premise seems to be wrong. While it is definitely true, that for larger models (i.e., bigger parameter space) it is more difficult to obtain the global minima, I dont now of any real case where the added complexity lead to lower likelihoods. Although I must admit that I also had huge model that failed to obtain the known best fit (e.g., when trying to fit a multinomial processing tree model in which all participants have their own model but are fitted simultaneously in one fit).
So, more complex models do in general not lead to worse fit and it is difficult why the parameter space should be incorporated into complexity measures. Note also that different optimization algorithms exist. For very complex models you could use something like evolutionary optimization or simulated annealing which may fair better than traditional Simplex or Newton based algorithms.
Furthermore, if more complex models should lead to worse fit it would be accounted for by some measures of complexity such as normalized maximum likelihood as it would use the same fitting algorithm for assessing the complexity as for fitting itself (and hence would run into the same problem).
However, on a more philosophical level you might bring up an interesting point on the price of differently sized parameter spaces. Shouldn't we take the time the fitting procedure takes also into account when assessing models' performance? For example, in a recent paper we had one specification of a signal detection model that we were unable to fit using ordinary fortran double data types due to regular buffer underfolws. We now could redo this analyses with arbitrary precission arithmetics (e.g.,with mpc), but fitting would take us ages (fitting with fortran already costed us a few month and we just threw the results away). Hence we refrain from doing so. This problem of model complexity should also be considered formally, but I have never heard of a way of doing so.