I am currently dealing with the following exercise:
Given the random variables $X \sim Be(p), Y \sim Exp(\lambda)$, and assume they are independent. Set $Z:= X + Y$.
- Compute the Moment Generating Function (MGF) $m_{z}(t)$ of $Z$
- Compute the Distribution Function (CDF) $F_{z}$ of $Z$. Is $Z$ an absolutely continuous random variable?
From the theory I have studied, I have some questions regarding how to deal with this kind of exercises:
- When it comes to sum two discrete independent random variables and then calculating their CDF, does this always mean using convolution? Does this differ from calculating their joint PDF?
- If X depended on Y, the joint CDF would be obtainable by using the law of total probability?
- Since they are independent, the joint MGF is simply the product of the two MGFs?
I know it may sound odd, but I still have hard times finding a way to approach to these exercises. Thanks.