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cut "So I'm trying to study for an exam and " which is immaterial here (and a bad example if anyone thinks this gives questions any leverage)
Nick Cox
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How do I interpret a probit model in Stata?

I'm not sure how to interpret this probit regression I ran on Stata. The data is on loan approval and white is a dummy variable that =1 if a person was white, and =0 if the person was not. Any help on how to read this would be greatly appreciated. What I'm mostly looking for is how to find the estimated probability of loan approval for both whites and nonwhites. Can someone also help me with the text on here and how to make it normal?? I'm sorry I don't know how to do this.

. probit approve white

Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -740.34659  
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -701.33221  
Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -700.87747  
Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -700.87744  

Probit regression                                 
Number of obs   =       1989
LR chi2(1)      =      78.94
Prob > chi2     =     0.0000

Log likelihood = -700.87744                       

Pseudo R2       =     0.0533

for the variable white:

Coef.: .7839465  
Std. Err.: .0867118  
z: 9.04  
P>|z|: 0.000  
95% Conf. Interval: .6139946-.9538985  

for the constant:

Coef.: .5469463  
Std. Err.: .075435  
z: 7.25  
P>|z|: 0.000  
95% Conf. Interval: .3990964-.6947962  
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