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Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares, (Logistic Regression)

I'm trying to obtain the parameters estimates in a Logistic Regression using the IRLS (Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares) algorithm.

I'm following this great and simple reference slides: (Logistic Regression)

And also this question where there are all the mathematic details and codes: Why using Newton's method for logistic regression optimization is called iterative re-weighted least squares?

I'm trying to obtain the estimates, without using the lm function, but using the matrix notation,as stated in the question I mentioned above:

$$ b^{(m+1)} = b^{(m)} + (X^T W_{(m)} X)^{-1}X^T W_{(m)} z_{(m)} $$

  • the predictor is equal to (in the code case we don't have the intercept): $\eta_i = \sum_{j=1}^{2}\beta_jx_{ij}=\beta_1x_{i1}+\beta_{i2}x_{i2}$

  • As stated in the first link above $W$ is a diagonal matrix, where each element of the diagonal is the second partial derivative in respect of the vector of parameters $\beta$ of fitted values of the Logistic Regression enter image description here

  • the residual $z =\frac{y_i - E[y_i]}{h'(\eta_i)}$ where $h'(\eta_n)$ is the first partial derivative of the fitted values in respect of the vector of the same parameters, and it is equal to $h'(\eta) = \frac{1}{1+e^\eta}*(1-\frac{1}{1+e^\eta})$

In the code below we have

The p = 2 is the variable to set the number of parameters (in this example it's not use the intercept).

The n = 20 is the variable to set the number of observation.

The code (the first part is copied from the question link above) of the algorithm in matrix notation is not working (estimates do not converge) when we have large matrices (i.e. when we have p = 3the matrix notation algorithm never converges, when we have p =2 and n = 200 the algorithm never converges. In the matrix form algorithm, also the convergence is much slower than the algorithm with lm function.

By the way all the elements before the IRLS is computed (estimation of vector of betas parameters) are equal in both forms, and I also added two lists to show that are equal. This below is the code:


p <- 2             ##for p > 3 the estimates do not converge
n <- 20
x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
betas <- runif(p, -2, 2)
hc <- function(x) 1 /(1 + exp(-x)) # inverse canonical link
p.true <- hc(x %*% betas)
y <- rbinom(n, 1, p.true)

#IRLS using the 'lm' function:
b.init = rep(1,p)
b.old <- b.init
change <- Inf

IRLS_canoni_ = list()

while(change > tol) {
  eta <- x %*% b.old  # linear predictor
  y.hat <- hc(eta)
  h.prime_eta <- y.hat * (1 - y.hat)     #first derivative
  z <- (y - y.hat) / h.prime_eta <- b.old + lm(z ~ x - 1, weights = h.prime_eta)$coef  # WLS regression
  change <- sqrt(sum(( - b.old)^2))
  b.old <-
  IRLS_canoni_$eta = cbind(IRLS_canoni_$eta,eta)
  IRLS_canoni_$y.hat = cbind(IRLS_canoni_$y.hat,y.hat)
  IRLS_canoni_$h.prime_eta = cbind(IRLS_canoni_$h.prime_eta, h.prime_eta)
  IRLS_canoni_$z = cbind(IRLS_canoni_$z, z)
  IRLS_canoni_$b.old = cbind(IRLS_canoni_$b.old, b.old)


my_IRLS_canonical(x, y, rep(1,p), hc)    
glm(y ~ x - 1, family=binomial())$coef      #model with no intercept

glm1 = glm(y ~ x, family=binomial())

##Trying to obtain same results with matrix notation (IRLS):
deriv2 = function(x) exp(x)/(1+exp(x))^2     #second derivative

b.init = rep(1,p)
b.old1 <- b.init
change1 <- Inf

IRLS_matrix = list()

while(change1 > tol) {
  eta1 <- x %*% b.old1  # linear predictor
  y.hat1 <- hc(eta1)
  h.prime_eta1 <- y.hat1 * (1 - y.hat1)
  z1 <- (y - y.hat1) / h.prime_eta1
  Wdiag = deriv2(eta)
  W = matrix(0,n,n)
  diag(W) = Wdiag
  H = -(t(x)%*%(W)%*%x)      #not using it
  b.new1 = b.old1 + ((solve(t(x) %*% W %*% x)) %*% (t(x)%*%W%*%z1))
  change1 = sqrt(sum((b.new1 - b.old1)^2))
  b.old1 = b.new1
  IRLS_matrix$eta = cbind(IRLS_matrix$eta, eta1)
  IRLS_matrix$y.hat = cbind(IRLS_matrix$y.hat, y.hat1)
  IRLS_matrix$h.prime_eta = cbind(IRLS_matrix$h.prime_eta, h.prime_eta1)
  IRLS_matrix$z = cbind(IRLS_matrix$z, z1)
  IRLS_matrix$b.old = cbind(IRLS_matrix$b.old, b.old1)


glm(y ~ x - 1, family=binomial())$coef    #model with no intercept

IRLS_canoni_$eta[,1] == IRLS_matrix$eta[,1]
IRLS_canoni_$y.hat[,1] == IRLS_matrix$y.hat[,1]
IRLS_canoni_$h.prime_eta[,1] == IRLS_matrix$h.prime_eta[,1]
IRLS_canoni_$z[,1] == IRLS_matrix$z[,1]

IRLS_canoni_$b.old[,1] == IRLS_matrix$b.old[,1]

So can anyone give a try? It seems it only works with max $2$ parameters and few observation.

Anyway I think the algorithm is correct, if it wouldn't be, it wouldn't find the correct value anytime (and this is not the case).

Why is it happening this? Thank You.

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