Differences due to type I/II/III sums
The order is not important for the summary of the linear model (which is based on t-tests that don't change). You can see this in your output which is the same.
However when you do an ANOVA then you might get different results depending on the order (this happens for type I sums)
> anova(lm(a~c+b+d))
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: a
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
c 1 82067 82067 3412.9019 < 2.2e-16 ***
b 1 494 494 20.5397 1.683e-05 ***
d 1 77 77 3.1872 0.07738 .
Residuals 96 2308 24
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
> anova(lm(a~b+c+d))
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: a
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
b 1 82146 82146 3416.2075 < 2.2e-16 ***
c 1 414 414 17.2341 7.155e-05 ***
d 1 77 77 3.1872 0.07738 .
Residuals 96 2308 24
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Note the different p-values for the factors b and c.
The reason is that ANOVA is a comparison of models and there are different ways to interpret this comparison (see type I/II/III sums).
The standard anova function is performing the models in a cascading way, dropping terms one by one starting from the back. Those are type I sums
It goes a bit like this (but slightly different F-scores because the degrees of freedom are computed differently)
anova(lm(a~1+b+c), lm(a~1+b+c+d)) # testing the effect of d
anova(lm(a~1+b ), lm(a~1+b+c )) # testing the effect of c
anova(lm(a~1 ), lm(a~1+b )) # testing the effect of b
The t-scores and the related p-values (from the summary of the lm
function) relate to the F-test/ANOVA in the case of type III sums, which is dropping terms relative to the full model (and that is why the order doesn't matter for the t-test)
anova(lm(a~1+b+c), lm(a~1+b+c+d)) # testing the effect of d
anova(lm(a~1+b+d), lm(a~1+b+c+d)) # testing the effect of c
anova(lm(a~1+c+d), lm(a~1+b+c+d)) # testing the effect of b
This can also be done with the drop1
> drop1(lm(a~b+c+d), test = "F")
Single term deletions
a ~ b + c + d
Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC F value Pr(>F)
<none> 2308.4 321.92
b 1 232.725 2541.2 329.52 9.6783 0.002456 **
c 1 147.721 2456.2 326.12 6.1433 0.014937 *
d 1 76.639 2385.1 323.18 3.1872 0.077377 .
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Differences due to the position of the intercept
In the referenced question the reason for the impact of the order is due to the position of the intercept. In that question, the intercept is explicitly excluded from the model, but indirectly it is still part of the model because the categorical variables often add up to one. In that case, the intercept is placed for whichever variable and factor level is first in the order.
There must be some illustrative problems that show how the factors of $n$ levels are only fitted with $n-1$ coefficients and one term gets absorbed into the intercept. I have seen such problems several times, but I can not find them back.
I found one, but it is a bit silly example: Why do output coefficients not resemble true coefficients in a linear model? In that particular example pay especially attention to the model
modelnls2 <- nls(Y ~ exp(a + c(0,b1,b2)[Home] + c(0,c1)[Gender] + c(0,d1,d2)[Rank]),
start = c(a=1,b1=1,b2=1,c1=1,d1=1,d2=1), data=dune)
For each of the factors (Home, Gender, Rank), the related coefficients are set explicitly at 0 for one of the levels. If you would take away the intercept coefficient a
then you could add it to one of the others. For instance:
modelnls2 <- nls(Y ~ exp(c(a,b1+a,b2+a)[Home] + c(0,c1)[Gender] + c(0,d1,d2)[Rank]),
start = c(a=1,b1=1,b2=1,c1=1,d1=1,d2=1), data=dune)
### or equivalent
modelnls2 <- nls(Y ~ exp(c(a,b1,b2)[Home] + c(0,c1)[Gender] + c(0,d1,d2)[Rank]),
start = c(a=1,b1=1,b2=1,c1=1,d1=1,d2=1), data=dune)
This is what happens with the lm function for the referenced question and is the reason why the order matters.