My question is close to this one which wasn't really answered:
I am running models to understand the trends highlighted by a Principal Component Analysis regarding variability in the morphology of some plants. I have a set of quantitative (n=1, "PI", a percentage) and mostly qualitative (n=10, eg., Family, Genus, Species, leaf type) variables whose effect I would like to test on a quantitative variable "LMA" (a leaf thickness).
I initially used a GLM (because LMA data are neither normal nor homoskedastic) and on a reduced dataset because of a lot of lines with NAs for LMA. In order to have a larger dataset, we supplemented LMA measurements with average values for some species (variable "Species") having n>5 LMA measurement. The variance of LMA is now highly heterogeneous and reduced for some of the species.
Thus, I switched to GLS to take into account this particularity with weights = varIdent(form=\~1|Species)
and I made several models with method = REML
to test the effect of the different variables (as some categorical variables were nested, I did not test them at the same time).
Today, I read several times that selecting the best fitting gls using AIC is only possible for gls made using ML (especially since not all my models have the same fixed effects). A solution seems to be to make anova on the models updated in ML ... But ... it doesn't work for me ... (although I have no NAs in my dataset) ...
The problem is that depending on the models, the significant effects are different ... I have read that the best model is also the one that contains the most variables with a significant effect. Is this right? Should I just go back to this and choose my model based on this individual anovas?
I hope this post is quite clear and I sincerely thank you in advance!
The dataset I use (all variables but "PI" are qualitative), I specified they were factors, there is no NAs.
x <- c("species_LMA", "Locality", "Family",
"Genus", "Species", "specimen_TCT",
"taxon_TCT", "combined_TCT", "cat_TCT",
"PI", "Pheno", "Growth_form")
noNA4 <- subset(data2, complete.cases(data2[,
x])) # n = 561
Here are are the different models I made:
xm1a <- gls(species_LMA ~ -1 + Family + PI +
Locality + cat_TCT + Pheno ,
weights = varIdent(form=~1|Species),
data=noNA4, na.action=na.omit)
xm1b <- gls(species_LMA ~ -1 + Family + PI +
Locality + specimen_TCT + Pheno ,
weights = varIdent(form=~1|Species),
data=noNA4, na.action=na.omit)
xm1c <- gls(species_LMA ~ -1 + Family + PI +
Locality + combined_TCT + Pheno ,
weights = varIdent(form=~1|Species),
data=noNA4, na.action=na.omit)
xm2a <- gls(species_LMA ~ -1 + Genus + PI +
Locality + cat_TCT + Pheno ,
weights = varIdent(form=~1|Species),
data=noNA4, na.action=na.omit)
xm2b <- gls(species_LMA ~ -1 + Genus + PI +
Locality + specimen_TCT + Pheno ,
weights = varIdent(form=~1|Species),
data=noNA4, na.action=na.omit)
xm2c <- gls(species_LMA ~ -1 + Genus + PI +
Locality + combined_TCT + Pheno ,
weights = varIdent(form=~1|Species),
data=noNA4, na.action=na.omit)
xm3a <- gls(species_LMA ~ -1 + Species + PI +
Locality + cat_TCT + Pheno ,
weights = varIdent(form=~1|Species),
data=noNA4, na.action=na.omit)
#xm3b <- gls(species_LMA ~ -1 + Species + PI +
Locality + specimen_TCT + Pheno ,
weights = varIdent(form=~1|Species),
data=noNA3, na.action=na.omit)
# do not work for some reason ... correlation?`
xm3c <- gls(species_LMA ~ -1 + Species + PI +
Locality + combined_TCT + Pheno ,
weights = varIdent(form=~1|Species),
data=noNA4, na.action=na.omit)
Line to select the best model based on AIC (package MuMIn)
model.sel(xm1a, xm1b, xm1c, xm2a, xm2b, xm2c,
xm3a, xm3c)
Model selection table
cat_TCT Fml Lcl Phn PI spc_TCT cmb_TCT Gns Spc df logLik AICc delta weight
xm3c + + 8.254 + + 60 -2051.166 4237.2 0.00 1
xm3a + + + 8.604 + 56 -2064.354 4253.6 16.37 0
xm2b + + 10.380 + + 52 -2085.641 4286.3 49.10 0
xm2c + + 9.439 + + 49 -2092.155 4292.1 54.84 0
xm2a + + + 10.510 + 45 -2105.152 4308.5 71.26 0
xm1b + + + 2.933 + 47 -2111.535 4326.0 88.79 0
xm1c + + + 5.425 + 44 -2115.838 4327.5 90.26 0
xm1a + + + + 11.680 40 -2138.920 4364.2 127.04 0
Models ranked by AICc(x)
# best option are *3c* then 3a, 2b, 2c, 2a, 1c, 1b, 1a but AIC are highly similar
# xm3c : LMA ~ Species + PI + Locality + combined_TCT + Pheno
but since we took species-mean LMA, it is quite logical ... if we consider the relation to species is biased because we used species mean values, then the best model would be xm2b: LMA ~ Genus + PI + Locality + specimen_TCT + Pheno
What I tried to update the model (here an example for two of them) to ML to evaluate their performance using AIC (and resulting error message).
anova(update(xm3c, . ~ ., method = "ML"), update(xm2b, . ~ ., method = "ML"))`
Error in eigen(val, only.values = TRUE) :
infinite or missing values in 'x'
Example of anova results for 3 models. The problem is that depending on the models, the significant effects are different ...
Denom. DF: 531
numDF F-value p-value
Family 9 2137401.7 <.0001
PI 1 0.1 0.7331
Locality 1 118.4 <.0001
specimen_TCT 10 5.2 <.0001
Pheno 1 0.1 0.7080
> anova(xm2b) # nothing but Species is significant... marginal corr of PI...
Denom. DF: 526
numDF F-value p-value
Genus 14 247220.46 <.0001
PI 1 2.76 0.0970
Locality 1 0.10 0.7500
specimen_TCT 10 0.56 0.8456
Pheno 1 0.41 0.5226
anova(xm3c) # nothing but Species is
# significant
Denom. DF: 518
numDF F-value p-value
Species 25 195602.70 <.0001
PI 1 2.12 0.1463
Locality 1 0.18 0.6691
combined_TCT 7 0.75 0.6304
Pheno 1 0.17 0.6784