I have a dataset like the following:
register country PC1
CMT BD 0.528902409041985
CMT IN 0.659599336404661
CMT LK 0.424746884028921
CMT PK 0.617481735398022
CMT UK 0.432241778651171
CMT US 0.520006978931032
TWT BD -0.120412754435259
TWT IN -0.775416939396557
TWT LK -0.331060813776788
TWT PK -0.0476004644598422
TWT UK -0.751168065821314
TWT US -0.861747850448701
TXM BD -0.899207300872416
TXM IN -1.90230790510253
TXM LK 0.257287440181
TXM PK -1.3102770881823
WBF BD -0.38312607807368
WBF IN -1.4048106311512
WBF LK -0.238559559698407
WBF PK 0.0249239934526432
WBF UK -0.467017637887557
WBF US -0.423802534509881
WBS BD 1.53739431443881
WBS IN 0.275786018712733
WBS LK 1.32988601584956
WBS PK 1.68224760320901
WBS UK 1.6017172088108
WBS US 1.34625059689434
I am interested in ANOVA and if significant groups comparisons using emmeans
package in R. The dependent variable PC1 is not normally distributed which means that I cannot use anova()
and emmeans
in one go like this:
m_dims <- lm(PC1 ~ register*country, data = dims)
em_dims <- emmeans(m_dims, pairwise ~ country | register)
See the sample output:
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: PC1
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
register 4 776.63 194.157 468.6266 < 2.2e-16 ***
country 5 20.55 4.111 9.9222 2.452e-09 ***
register:country 18 33.39 1.855 4.4769 1.411e-09 ***
Residuals 1372 568.43 0.414
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
And for emmeans()$contrasts
(here only first two levels of register
register = CMT:
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
BD - IN -0.29759 0.129 1372 -2.312 0.1899
BD - LK 0.42673 0.129 1372 3.315 0.0121
BD - PK -0.05777 0.129 1372 -0.449 0.9977
BD - UK 0.07512 0.129 1372 0.584 0.9921
BD - US 0.13296 0.129 1372 1.033 0.9069
IN - LK 0.72432 0.129 1372 5.626 <.0001
IN - PK 0.23981 0.129 1372 1.863 0.4257
IN - UK 0.37271 0.129 1372 2.895 0.0445
IN - US 0.43055 0.129 1372 3.344 0.0109
LK - PK -0.48451 0.129 1372 -3.764 0.0024
LK - UK -0.35161 0.129 1372 -2.731 0.0698
LK - US -0.29377 0.129 1372 -2.282 0.2021
PK - UK 0.13290 0.129 1372 1.032 0.9071
PK - US 0.19073 0.129 1372 1.482 0.6762
UK - US 0.05783 0.129 1372 0.449 0.9977
register = TWT:
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
BD - IN -0.38951 0.129 1372 -3.026 0.0303
BD - LK -0.13149 0.129 1372 -1.021 0.9109
BD - PK -0.12868 0.129 1372 -1.000 0.9182
BD - UK 0.10248 0.129 1372 0.796 0.9682
BD - US 0.34901 0.129 1372 2.711 0.0737
IN - LK 0.25802 0.129 1372 2.004 0.3403
IN - PK 0.26083 0.129 1372 2.026 0.3279
IN - UK 0.49199 0.129 1372 3.822 0.0019
IN - US 0.73852 0.129 1372 5.737 <.0001
LK - PK 0.00281 0.129 1372 0.022 1.0000
LK - UK 0.23397 0.129 1372 1.817 0.4547
LK - US 0.48050 0.129 1372 3.733 0.0027
PK - UK 0.23116 0.129 1372 1.796 0.4689
PK - US 0.47769 0.129 1372 3.711 0.0029
UK - US 0.24653 0.129 1372 1.915 0.3932
So I decided to use bootstrapping to resample my data, apply anova()
and emmeans()
on each sample and calculate the usual statistics for register, country, register*country
: p-values, F statistic, degrees of freedom, R-sq
etc. from anova()
output, and pair wise comparisons of each country
level (PK, UK, US, LK, IN, BD)
within each register
level (CMT, TWT, TXM, WBF, WBS)
. As per my very limited understanding of bootstrapping, I thought of averaging the resulting distributions to get each statistic, e.g. median p-value
from all 1000 or more anova()
outputs from my data samples.
My questions:
- Am I correct to assume that the
or any statistic obtained this way is a robust alternative to the one time output ofanova()
(or the subsequentemmeans()
) as I showed above? - If my assumption is not correct, how should I proceed to apply bootstrap in this scenario?
Before writing this post, I have consulted various blog posts and searched for ready-made solutions/functions in R but could not find anything suitable or convincing. Some references
An R script for bootstrap ANOVA and post hoc comparisons. (I changed
but it outputs same p-value for each post-hoc comparison which I do not understand why, so I left it). Bootstrap resampling with tidymodels Bootstrap Anova. Bootstrap followup contrasts (no ANOVA bootstrapping).