- The last sentence of Christopher M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Section 10.1.1 Factorized distributions on p.466, states, referring to Equation $(10.9)$, that "Convergence is guaranteed because bound is convex with respect to each of the factors $q_i(Z_i)$ (Stephen Boyd and Lleven Vandenberghe (2004), Convex Optimization. Cambridge University Press)."
- The same claim is made in the Wikipedia entry, Variational Bayesian Methods Section 2. Mean field Approximation with the same reference to the Boyd & Vandenberghe book above: "An algorithm of this sort is guaranteed to converge."
I see that $q^*_j(Z_j)$ minimizes $\mathcal L(q)$ and thus $-\mathcal L(q^*)$ is nonincreasing with respect to the iteration on $q^*$. However, I do not see how the convexity of $-\mathcal L$ with respect to $q$ leads to the convergence of $q^*$. On the contrary, I can imagine counterexamples satisfying the conditions of decreasing functional value and convexity of the function. Neither do I know where in the referenced Boyd book to find the proof. Is there a fixed-point theorem to use?