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Variablity in cv.glmnet results

I am using cv.glmnet to find predictors. The setup I use is as follows:

choicePred<-rownames(results)[which(results !=0)]

To make sure the results are reproducible I set.seed(1). The results are highly variable. I ran the exact same code 100 to see how variable the results were. In the 98/100 runs had one particular predictor always selected (sometimes just on it's own); other predictors were selected (co-efficient was non-zero) usually 50/100 times.

So it says to me that each time the cross validation is running it's going to probably select a different best lambda, because the initial randomization of the folds matter. Others have seen this problem (CV.glmnet results) but there isn't a suggested solution.

I am thinking that maybe that one which shows up 98/100 is probably pretty highly correlated to all the others? The results do stabilize if I just run LOOCV ($fold-size = n$), but I am curious why they are so variable when $nfold < n$.

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