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Results for copula random
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2 votes
2 answers

Generating random samples with bivariate t-copula

I'm trying to generate a bivariate random sample of the t-copula (using rho = 0.8), without using the "copula" package and its function "rCopula" with method "tCopula". … It should look more like this: (generated using the copula package and its inbuilt functions) …
user3515814's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Impose copula on two independent random variables [closed]

I want to impose a Gumbel (or Gaussian) copula on two independent random variables library(tidyverse); set.seed(1); n <- 1e3 data <- tibble(x = rbeta(n, 1, 2), y = rbeta(n, 1, 3)) plot(data$x, data$y) … Here is the uncorrelated plot: I would like impose a copula to reorder the deviates such that I get the following: Gumbel Gaussian I have looked through the copula, MASS and VineCopula packages …
Vincent Risington's user avatar
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fit a gumbel copula to 500 set generated random number

i have a question, of finding the tail coefficient of gumbel copula. I generated 500 set of random variable, with 4 different theta of 1, 1.5, 2 and 3. … Then I fit them to gumbel copula with maximum likelihood method. for each theta, i generated these: theta=1 Copula: gumbelCopula alpha 1 The maximized loglikelihood is -3.838e-07 theta =1.5 Copula
Namraa's user avatar
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1 answer

Generating random variables from copula function at a given joint probability?

I have one copula function, let's say a 2 dimensional Normal Copula with parameter of 0.5. I want to generate random variable pairs at given copula probability (e.g. 0.9). How can I do that? … I want to find random variable pairs $ (u,v)$ when $C (u,v)$ equals to certain value, lets say $C (u,v)=0.9$ In R Copula package, random pairs can be generated through rCopula function, however, the …
uared1776's user avatar
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Sum of two dependent random variables with copula

I'm trying to calculate sum of 2 random variables by using Copula Theory in R or Matlab. However, I have very limited knowledge about probability. … A = [10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13] B = [13 13 15 15 17 17 19 19 20 20] Assuming that they have comonotonic dependence between them and I want to calculate C = A + B by using Frechet upper bound (M-Copula
Levent Bekdemir's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Decomposing a random variable into marginals and copula

I’m having trouble getting understanding how to actual construct a copula, from my understanding it captures the purely joint features of a joint distribution. … Let X,Y be random variables with joint distribution function $$H(x,y) = (1 + e^{-x} + e^{-y})^{-1}$$ I have got by letting x and y tend to infinity respectively that the marginals of X and Y are standard …
gb4's user avatar
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How to add dependence between random vectors using a copula?

I understand that copulas can be used as a tool to add any conceivable dependence to a pair of random variables. However, I would like to add some dependence between two random vectors. … Similarly, $$ \Phi_2(x_2, y_2) := F_2(F^{-1}_{X_2}(x_2), F^{-1}_{Y_2}(y_2)) $$ is the copula of $X_2$ and $Y_2$. …
Martin Drozdik's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What does a copula density explain about dependence of random variables?

I am studying copulas and I find it difficult to understand what a copula density tells me about the dependence of random variables. … For example, if I have a Gaussian copula density, what can I say about the dependence. How do I even interpret this picture? …
ani's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How can I generate random observations from a concrete copula?

Let us assume that we have two continuous random variables $X$, $Y$, with known distributions (not necessarily normal), connected/related via a concrete copula. … For a single random variable $X$, I usually generate (pseudo)random values within $[0,1]$ and then transform them into observations of $X$ using its inverse-CDF. …
Vicent's user avatar
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Generate FGM copula

In the interest of learning about Copula's, I want to write some Matlab code which generates copula random variables (I realize there exists a toolbox for this, but I don't want to use that). … As outlined in several sources, one method of generating Copula RV's is: Generate values U, T, independent random variables, uniform on [0,1] The conditional distribution of V given U=u is $$ c_u(v) …
Kiran K.'s user avatar
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sampling correlated random variables using copula

gaussian using the said cov matrix. using cdf of standard gaussian (loc=0, scale=1), i transform the marginal of the said gaussian into uniform distribution (plotting these marginals pairwise give you the copula … i expected the method work, because copula only capture the correlation, and not marginal. while the generated one tends to be agree well with the input one in terms of marginal distribution and correlation …
Physics Student's user avatar
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Generate a random variable with a defined correlation to an existing variable(s) considering...

In this question it has been described how to generate a random variable with a defined correlation to an existing variable. … But what if I want to have the two random variables normally distributed but connected with a student T copula. How the answer in this question be generalised to that case. …
krikitos's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Are random variables generated from a gaussian copula necessarily gaussian random variables?

The Gauss copula is defined implicitly from the multivariate normal distribution, that is, the Gauss copula is the copula associated with a multivariate normal distribution. where the inputs of the Multivariate …
Anonymous's user avatar
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Optimal Coverage Sets of a Sum of Random Variables with Known Copula

Let $X, Y$ be continuous random variables with known copula $C$. … Additionally, I have a feeling that there should exist some theory describing a set $S$ as a function of copula and marginal distributions $F_X, F_Y$. …
Albert Paradek's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How can I generate random numbers from any given copula?

Suppose that I have a 2-dim copula function C(x_1,x_2). How can I generate bivariate numbers from this copula? For specific types of copulas, I can use 'rCopula' function of 'copula' package in R. … But I have no idea what to do if I have an arbitrary copula function. …
user67275's user avatar
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