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Results for trunc* lognormal
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Lognormal and radial

Is lognormal distribution a class of radial distribution? P.S Gaussian, truncated Gaussian are all classes of radial distribution. …
Morris Titan's user avatar
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Truncated lognormal distribution calibration with MME

To estimate the parameters of a truncated distribution (lognormal for example), we can use the Maximum Likelihood Estimation or Method of Moments. … For the Method of Moments Estimation, one needs to write down the mathematical expression of the expected value of the truncated lognormal distribution. Is it possible to do so? …
John Smith's user avatar
3 votes
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Truncate lognormal distribution with excel

I have a dataset where I extract the mean and the standard deviation, I want to generate a new synthetic dataset which is lognormal distributed based on the original dataset paramaters. … My problem is that I need that synthetic dataset is truncated, with the maximum and minimum value of the orignal set, in other words I don't want any synthetic value greater than the maximum value and …
Vince's user avatar
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I want the function that defines truncated lognormal distribution

I guess I can use the truncated lognormal distribution. I have the following questions regarding truncated lognormal distribution What are the PDF and CDF for truncated lognormal distribution. … What aspects must I consider while working with truncated distributions. If censoring the data points above the physical limit a senseful thing to do mathematically speaking. …
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A distribution like lognormal, but limited from two sides

I do not want to use a truncated normal distribution, because it does not have zero values at the extreme points of its support. … Here is a chart of two lognormal distributions and also the green plot representing a lognormal swapped around 5: I would like the searched distribution to behave more-or-less similarly. …
scriptfoo's user avatar
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Generate a truncated lognormal distribution given mean, variance, lower bound and upper bound?

Basically, I would like to generate a sample of truncated lognormal distribution given mean, variance, lower bound and upper bound. … Note that the mean and variance here are the mean and variance of the truncated lognormal distribution NOT the $\mu$ and $\sigma$. …
Hongbo W's user avatar
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What is the correct bayesian formulation for the zero-truncated Poisson lognormal model?

f(\lambda;\mu,\sigma) d\lambda} $$ We can't observe zeroes so, we work with a truncated distribution to then construct a likelihood function and use the MLE frequentist estimator to obtain point estimates … The truncated PLN distribution is: $$ p_{T}(x;\mu,\sigma) = \frac{p(x;\mu,\sigma)}{p(x>0;\mu,\sigma)} = \frac{p(x;\mu,\sigma)}{1-p(0;\mu,\sigma)} $$ The conditioning is done based on the total probability …
MGonzalez's user avatar
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Numerically Solve for Parameters Characterizing Lognormal RV that's Truncated from Above

I am trying to numerically solve for parameters characterizing a lognormal distribution truncated from above with first moment = mean, second moment = moment_2, and upper = 99th percentile of the untruncated … The desired parameters logmean and logstd can be recovered by solving the following system of 2 equations and 2 unknowns, which relate the first and second moments of the truncated distribution to the …
k13's user avatar
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Why I cannot generate random numbers having a truncated lognormal distribution?

My deduction is: When the distribution is truncated, a normalization factor should be introduced: \begin{equation} g(x) = \frac{C}{x\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{\ln{x}-\mu}{\sigma}\right … '); xticks(0:1:20); pd = fitdist(array_rand_num', 'lognormal'); fitting_Ex = exp( + pd.sigma^2 * 0.5) fitting_Dx = exp(2 * + pd.sigma^2) * (exp(pd.sigma^2) - 1) %since the pdf is truncated, …
Tingchang Yin's user avatar
2 votes
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Fitting a distribution on Income data

Why is the Pareto Distribution a better fit to the upper tail of Income data, and the Lognormal distribution a better fit to the lower tail? What happens if we fit the data the other way around? … My argument is that if we truncate the hump of the lognormal distribution it should perform nicely as a fit for the upper tail, and I cannot find a good reason to suggest that the Pareto distribution should …
Neel's user avatar
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Understanding truncated distributions & simulations [duplicate]

Is my understanding correct that this will be essentially a truncated distribution? … Also, what will be the new values of "a" & "b" used above to generate min and max quantiles using plnorm of this new truncated distribution? …
user101874's user avatar
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Why do poweRlaw and fitdistrplus differ in fitted lognorm parameters

This seems to be similar to fitting a truncated distribution but not sure. … UPDATE ** In response to Glen B's comment that this may be fitting a truncated lognormal distribution, I'd like to clarify that the exact question is why do poweRlaw and fitdistrplus differ in fitted lognorm …
Heymans's user avatar
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Picking a probability distribution for observed intensities

Since the values are non-negative, and I would like to be somewhat tolerant of large errors, I originally thought I'd choose a lognormal distribution (here for a single data point): $$ L(I_{exp}|I_{mod … But the lognormal goes to $0$ as $I_{exp}\rightarrow0$ So at the low values it might be more accurate to pick a truncated normal distribution. …
cgreen's user avatar
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Estimating false accept rates from imposter scores below a threshold

During system test where all items were verified the distribution of imposter scores was lognormal. …
Cavalent's user avatar
6 votes
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How to apply hurdle models to panel data (using Stata)?

Is it possible to apply hurdle models (like the Craggit, probit and truncated models) to panel data, preferably with fixed effects to control for unobserved heterogeneity? … In general, the hurdle model is quite simple to estimate: probit model on the binary outcome variable, truncated (or lognormal) on the (positive values of the) outcome variable. …
Lia's user avatar
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