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A parameter that is not strictly for the statistical model (or data generating process), but a parameter for the statistical method. It could be a parameter for: a family of prior distributions, smoothing, a penalty in regularization methods, or an optimization algorithm.

1 vote

Deep Neural Network tuning hyperparameters

Great approach for designing a DNN! I would make the architecture deeper (e.g. add a number of layers and a bypass parameter for each layer). Also, it is recommended to use ReLU activation with He nor …
Vadim Smolyakov's user avatar
5 votes

How to determine the number of iterations for Latent Dirichlet Allocation

A common way to determine the number of iterations is to compute perplexity as defined in D. Blei's original LDA paper. Perplexity describes how well the model fits the data by computing word likeliho …
Vadim Smolyakov's user avatar