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Machine learning algorithms build a model of the training data. The term "machine learning" is vaguely defined; it includes what is also called statistical learning, reinforcement learning, unsupervised learning, etc. ALWAYS ADD A MORE SPECIFIC TAG.

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GridSearchCV returns better parameters with cv=5 than with cv=10

I use titanic dataset in this project. First, I split the train & test data : training, testing = train_test_split(train, test_size=0.2, stratify=train['Survived'], random_state=0) I try to find t …
Blaze Tama's user avatar
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Data Preprocessing before using PCA for unsupervised learning (clustering)

I'm wondering whether to use OneHotEncoding before using PCA. I did some googling and it seems the answer is no, because PCA doesn't work well on binary data (This is the source) I just want to make …
Blaze Tama's user avatar
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Regression techniques to predict hourly transactions?

First of all, I self study Data Science from online courses, so please bear with me. I have a regression problem with a dataset that similar to Bay Area Bike Share. The goal of this project is to pr …
Blaze Tama's user avatar
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Best Practice for choosing hyperparameters for stacking/majority voting

My goal is to get the best hyperparameters for the classifiers I used in Stacking/Majority Voting. This is the steps that I did (with very small Titanic dataset): I use GridSearchCV to tune each cl …
Blaze Tama's user avatar
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1 answer

SVC doing great on validation & test data but scored very low on predicted data

First of all, this is my first machine learning project after taking Andrew Ng's course, so please bear with me. I'm working on the most famous dataset, the Titanic data. First, I split the dataset …
Blaze Tama's user avatar