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Machine learning algorithms build a model of the training data. The term "machine learning" is vaguely defined; it includes what is also called statistical learning, reinforcement learning, unsupervised learning, etc. ALWAYS ADD A MORE SPECIFIC TAG.

3 votes

How does neural network training work, if there are A HUGE number of points that not differe...

The simple and perhaps unsatisfying answer is that we arbitrarily choose a gradient at 0. Typically deep learning libraries will choose to have a gradient of 0. We can see this using the python libra …
kbrose's user avatar
  • 1,447
4 votes

Automated ML vs the entire replicability/reproducibility crisis

I agree with Alex R's comments, and I'm expanding them into a full answer. I'll be talking about "black box" models in this answer, by which I mean machine learning (ML) models whose internal impleme …
kbrose's user avatar
  • 1,447
1 vote

Why does using pseudo-labeling non-trivially affect the results?

Warning, I am not an expert on this procedure. My failure to produce good results is not proof that the technique cannot be made to work. Furthermore, your image has the general description of "semi-s …
kbrose's user avatar
  • 1,447
0 votes

Can an ML model choose between an arbitrary set of classes?

You are asking how to deal with sets of inputs instead of vectors/matrices which is the much more usual case. I will be using Deep Sets by Zaheer et al. ( as a jumping …
kbrose's user avatar
  • 1,447
1 vote

Use of stack of tanh layers

In your linked paper (you should provide the full citation to avoid link rot) we see the following Our neural network classifier, depicted in Figure 3 (and based on a one-layer model in …
kbrose's user avatar
  • 1,447
1 vote

Accelerating multi-label classification using NNs

I use sigmoid when there are an arbitrary number of possible labels. In your case, you know you have exactly two labels. I would instead use softmax and divide the true label by two, for example [0,.. …
kbrose's user avatar
  • 1,447
1 vote

Normalisation of an 'image' when pixel intensities are unbounded

Use a transformation that sends unbounded values to a bounded interval. For example, the sigmoid function, tanh, etc. After that you may perform any additional transformations needed to get your valu …
kbrose's user avatar
  • 1,447
1 vote
0 answers

Intuition on One Class Support Vector Machines [duplicate]

I am having trouble understanding how one-class SVMs work. They were introduced in a paper by Scholkopf and others (and can be found here). One-class SVMs perform "novelty detection", where a point i …
kbrose's user avatar
  • 1,447
7 votes

RNN vs Convolution 1D

Yes the interpretation of the dimensions is pretty similar in both cases. An important case where RNNs are easier to use is with data of unknown lengths. For example, in sentence translation (e.g. t …
kbrose's user avatar
  • 1,447
1 vote

Is it possible to convert 3D image to 1D vector?

Yes. That is a valid transformation if you are feeding to a fully connected NN.
kbrose's user avatar
  • 1,447
1 vote

CNN for a regression problem

I suggest you use a type of UNet ( This kind of architecture has downsampling layers, followed by up sampling layers to get back to the original spatial dimensions.
kbrose's user avatar
  • 1,447
4 votes

Can a Fully Connected layer transform a 4D tensor to a 3D tensor by itself?

You are correct, Fully Connected (FC) layers have no concept of dimensionality. However, if I wanted to use a FC layer passing into another layer which had specific dimensionality requirements, I wou …
kbrose's user avatar
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