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Pavel Komarov's user avatar
Pavel Komarov
  • Member for 8 years
  • Last seen more than a month ago
53 votes

Can machine learning decode the SHA256 hashes?

9 votes

Boosting using other "weak learners" than trees

9 votes

Neural network for multiple output regression

5 votes

How to handle dependent, multidimensional output in machine learning

4 votes

Derivation of AdaBoost.R2 algorithm

3 votes

Why are covariance matrices projected by both right and left multiply?

2 votes

How does Dempster-Shafer relate to Machine Learning?

1 vote

Random forest permutation test: Is permutation of the training set appropriate?

1 vote

Overfitting in Cross Validation for Hyperparameter Selection

1 vote

Is a forward-pass on a neural network a similar operation to a predict operation?

1 vote

How do we use the test set after model selection?

1 vote

Time series data transformation; how to deal with sharp drops?

1 vote

How to derive Camera Jacobian

0 votes

Why experience replay requires off-policy algorithm?

0 votes

Fitting a Multiple linear regression model to a set of data which was generated by a non-linear function plus an error term(normally distributed)

0 votes

Training a binary classifier (xgboost) using probabilities instead of just 0 and 1 (versus training a multi class classifier or using regression)

0 votes

How can I reduce this problem to classification?

0 votes

How should I compare a single real world value to a group of simulated observations

0 votes

Is there any Generative Model which can be used for Regression problems?

0 votes

Can pieces of evidence that arise from different aspects of the same phenomenon be independent?

0 votes

Counterintuitive mass versus probability in Dempster-Shafer

0 votes

Is there any problem which can be solved only by fuzzy theory but not by statistics?