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Zach's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
6 votes

ROC curve and confusion matrix in classifier performance evaluation

3 votes

How can I optimise computational efficiency when fitting a complex model to a large data set repeatedly?

2 votes

Mean comparison for statistical significance

1 vote

Simulating ordinal variables using fitted probit models

1 vote

Hierarchical multinomial logit with R/JAGS

1 vote

Using STAN (related to BUGS/JAGS) to do linear regression with with ARMA(1,1) noise?

1 vote

Estimation Technique

1 vote

randomForest vs. cforest; Can I get partial dependence plots and percent variance explained in package party?

0 votes

Is it possible to extrapolate a percentage from given logistic regression coefficients?

0 votes

Book recommendation for regression techniques

-1 votes

How does cross validation work in R's gbm package?