I'm quite surprised that nobody mentioned the existence of other criteria for comparing regression models and selecting the best one. These criteria belong to two different approaches: traditional hypothesis testing and information theory.
The non-mentioned criteria for model comparison and selection, using the former approach, include other error measures (RMSE, MAE, MAPE, MASE, MPE), adjusted R-squared, F-test statistic (also see this). Additionally, to this group IMHO belong goodness-of-fit (GoF) measures, such as chi-squared GoF test statistic and likelihood-ratio GoF test statistic.
As for the latter approach, the non-mentioned criteria include Akaike's information criterion (AIC), Mallows' Cp statistic and Bayesian information criterion (BIC). [NOTE: "Non-mentioned" refers to the time when I started writing this answer, prior to @EngrStudent's answer, which I just saw after posting my answer.]
Just wanted to add two points. First, another nice measure for regression model comparison and selection is standard error of regression (also referred to as sigma
), which is better than R-squared due to maintaining the original data scale. In R
parlance, this criterion can be found in lm()
output under the name of "residual standard error". Second, for completeness, I would like to mention some non-analytic (exploratory) approaches and criteria to model comparison and selection, such as diagnostic plots (Q-Q, residuals, etc.) as well as domain/theory considerations and model simplicity (parsimony).