+1 to @user11852, and @jem77bfp, these are good answers. Let me approach this from a different perspective, not because I think it's necessarily better in practice, but because I think it's instructive. Here are a few relevant facts that we know already:
- $r$ is the slope of the regression line when both $X$ and $Y$ are standardized, i.e., $\mathcal N(0,1)$,
$r^2$ is the proportion of the variance in $Y$ attributable to the variance in $X$,
(also, from the rules for variances):
- the variance of a random variable multiplied by a constant is the constant squared times the original variance:
- variances add, i.e., the variance of the sum of two random variables (assuming they are independent) is the sum of the two variances:
Now, we can combine these four facts to create two standard normal variables whose populations will have a given correlation, $r$ (more properly, $\rho$), although the samples you generate will have sample correlations that vary. The idea is to create a pseudorandom variable, $X$, that is standard normal, $\mathcal N(0,1)$, and then find a coefficient, $a$, and an error variance, $v_e$, such that $Y \sim\mathcal N(0,a^2+v_e)$, where $a^2+v_e=1$. (Note that $|a|$ must be $\le 1$ for this to work, and that, moreover, $a=r$.) Thus, you start with the $r$ that you want; that's your coefficient, $a$. Then you figure out the error variance that you will need, it's $1-r^2$. (If your software requires you to use the standard deviation, take the square root of that value.) Finally, for each pseudorandom variate, $x_i$, that you have generated, generate a pseudorandom error variate, $e_i$, with the appropriate error variance $v_e$, and compute the correlated pseudorandom variate, $y_i$, by multiplying and adding.
If you wanted to do this in R, the following code might work for you:
correlatedValue = function(x, r){
r2 = r**2
ve = 1-r2
SD = sqrt(ve)
e = rnorm(length(x), mean=0, sd=SD)
y = r*x + e
x = rnorm(10000)
y = correlatedValue(x=x, r=.5)
[1] 0.4945964
(Edit: I forgot to mention:) As I've described it, this procedure gives you two standard normal correlated variables. If you don't want standard normals, but want the variables to have some specific means (not 0) and SDs (not 1), you can transform them without affecting the correlation. Thus, you would subtract the observed mean to ensure that the mean is exactly $0$, multiply the variable by the SD you want and then add the mean you want. If you want the observed mean to fluctuate normally around the desired mean, you would add the initial difference back. Essentially, this is a z-score transformation in reverse. Because this is a linear transformation, the transformed variable will have the same correlation with the other variable as before.
Again, this, in it's simplest form, only lets you generate a pair of correlated variables (this could be scaled up, but gets ugly fast), and is certainly not the most convenient way to get the job done. In R, you would want to use ?mvrnorm in the MASS package, both because it's easier and because you can generate many variables with a given population correlation matrix. Nonetheless, I think it's worthwhile to have walked through this process to see how some basic principles play out in a simple way.