Hello friends of statistics,
first of all I want to excuse for my bad english skills. Nevertheless I need your help :)
My Design:
- IV-1: social status of person,
- IV-2: public vs. private shown behavior of the person,
- Mediator: attribution about the motives of the person,
- DV: assessment his behavior
I have to examine the relation between two independed variables, the mediator and the depended variable. My experimantal subjects have to judge about the behavior of a person, who has different social status (high/low) and different behavior type (behavior shown in public or private) and the overall assessment of the behavior (good/bad).
I have written 4 scenarios (i.e., low status/private, low status/public, high status/private, high status/public). SPSS shows me four manifestations (i.e., 1 = low status/private, 2 = low status/public,...)
My question: I have no clue how to calculate and to build the moderator to use the moderated mediation in PROCESS (SPSS). My research design is: status is moderated by public/private, attribution-motives are the mediator. Do I have to calculate a new variable "moderator" with two manifestations (all people who got the scenario "low status/private" and "high status/private" get 0, and "low status/public" and "high status/public" get 1)? Do I have to calculate a new variable "status" with two manifestations (all who got scenario "low status/public&private" get 0, others get 1)?
Do I have to put these two variables in PROCESS with IV "status" and Moderator "moderator"? I'm not sure about the logic.
Thanks for your helping!