Try the nnetpredint package.
I’ve met the same problem and I also want to construct a prediction confidence interval to the neural networks. So I tried to develop the nnetpredint (R package), using the method from these related papers, which use the Jacobian matrix (first order derivative of the training datasets with gradient function) to estimate model errors instead of the Hessian matrix.
The manual is here and the method has the function interface to the models trained by nnet, neuralnet and RSNNS packages:
The example for nnet package is here. The method nnetPredInt takes the model weights, nodes number, training datasets, etc. as input and compute the prediction interval for the new datasets.
# Example: Using the nnet object trained by nnet package
xTrain <- rbind(cbind(runif(150,min = 0, max = 0.5),runif(150,min = 0, max = 0.5)) ,
cbind(runif(150,min = 0.5, max = 1),runif(150,min = 0.5, max = 1))
nObs <- dim(xTrain)[1]
yTrain <- 0.5 + 0.4 * sin(2* pi * xTrain %*% c(0.4,0.6)) +rnorm(nObs,mean = 0, sd = 0.05)
plot(xTrain %*% c(0.4,0.6),yTrain)
# Training nnet models
net <- nnet(yTrain ~ xTrain,size = 3, rang = 0.1,decay = 5e-4, maxit = 500)
yFit <- c(net$fitted.values)
nodeNum <- c(2,3,1)
wts <- net$wts
# New data for prediction intervals
newData <- cbind(seq(0,1,0.05),seq(0,1,0.05))
yTest <- 0.5 + 0.4 * sin(2* pi * newData %*% c(0.4,0.6))+rnorm(dim(newData)[1],mean = 0, sd = 0.05)
# S3 generic method: Object of nnet
yPredInt <- nnetPredInt(net, xTrain, yTrain, newData, alpha = 0.05) # 95% confidence interval
# S3 default method for user defined input
yPredInt2 <- nnetPredInt(object = NULL, xTrain, yTrain, yFit, node = nodeNum, wts = wts, newData, alpha = 0.05, funName = 'sigmoid')
plot(newData %*% c(0.4,0.6),yTest,type = 'b')
lines(newData %*% c(0.4,0.6),yPredInt$yPredValue,type = 'b',col='blue')
lines(newData %*% c(0.4,0.6),yPredInt$lowerBound,type = 'b',col='red') # lower bound
lines(newData %*% c(0.4,0.6),yPredInt$upperBound,type = 'b',col='red') # upper bound
The keys to the estimation methods:
Use the first order Taylor expansion to expand the f(x) at each weight parameters. And calculate the gradient vector/ Jacobian matrix from the training datasets.
De Veaux R. D., Schumi J., Schweinsberg J., Ungar L. H., 1998, "Prediction intervals for neural networks via nonlinear regression", Technometrics 40(4): 273-282.
Chryssolouris G., Lee M., Ramsey A., "Confidence interval prediction for neural networks models",IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 7 (1), 1996, pp. 229-232
And also check out this paper for detailed maths.
Confidence Intervals for Neural Networks and
Applications to Modeling Engineering Materials