I am posting some "made-up" data for anyone who might be curious about. It's of longitudinal type. There are four variables "Subject", "Treatment", "Site", and response variable "y". As I said above, each site has some subjects for the experiment. There are 5 different treatment levels, denoted as A, B, C, D, and E.
The model is pretty simple, as shown in following sample SAS code, with fixed treatment effect and random subject effect. Intentionally, I am not considering other effects (like site effect). The code applies to all three models, except that the "data = case2" corresponds to different (sub)sets of data with different sites included.
proc mixed data = case2 asycov cl covtest plots;
class Subject Treatment;
model y= Treatment/solution;
random Subject;
lsmeans TRT/pdiff cl;
Here is the sample data.
Subject Treatment Site y
1-1 D 1 5.68387
1-1 E 1 5.65
1-1 C 1 4.45098
1-1 A 1 0.79048
1-1 B 1 4.50455
1-2 C 1 4.13208
1-2 D 1 5.10459
1-2 B 1 4.34468
1-2 E 1 5.07556
1-2 A 1 2.36296
1-3 B 1 -0.77037
1-3 C 1 0.59167
1-3 A 1 -1.53191
1-3 D 1 3.42
1-3 E 1 2.89231
2-1 D 2 4.80312
2-1 E 2 5.60606
2-1 C 2 5.38
2-1 A 2 0.39474
2-1 B 2 3.97714
2-2 C 2 4.46667
2-2 D 2 5.73333
2-2 B 2 6.17391
2-2 E 2 4.86957
2-2 A 2 -0.02
7-1 E 7 4.4875
7-1 A 7 -2.10667
7-1 D 7 5.71579
7-1 B 7 1.17895
7-1 C 7 0.97576
7-2 D 7 3.05083
7-2 E 7 3.25473
7-2 C 7 2.7925
7-2 A 7 1.23
7-2 B 7 3.98769
7-3 C 7 4.32754
7-3 D 7 5.2875
7-3 B 7 4.46575
7-3 E 7 4.12787
7-3 A 7 0.61481