House = function(A){
Q = diag(nrow(A))
reflectors = matrix(0,nrow=nrow(A),ncol=ncol(A))
for(r in 1:(nrow(A) - 1)){
# We will apply Householder to progressively the columns in A, decreasing 1 element at a time.
x = A[r:nrow(A), r]
# We now get the vector v, starting with first entry = norm-2 of x[i] times 1
# The sign is to avoid computational issues
first = (sign(x[1]) * sqrt(sum(x^2))) + x[1]
# We get the rest of v, which is x unchanged, since e1 = [1, 0, 0, ..., 0]
# We go the the last column / row, hence the if statement:
v = if(length(x) > 1){c(first, x[2:length(x)])}else{v = c(first)}
# Now we make the first entry unitary:
w = v/first
# Tau will be used in the Householder transform, so here it goes:
t = as.numeric(t(w)%*%w) / 2
# And the "reflectors" are stored as in the R qr()$qr function:
reflectors[r: nrow(A), r] = w/t
# The Householder tranformation is:
I = diag(length(r:nrow(A)))
H.transf = I - 1/t * (w %*% t(w))
H_i = diag(nrow(A))
H_i[r:nrow(A),r:ncol(A)] = H.transf
# And we apply the Householder reflection - we left multiply the entire A or Q
A = H_i %*% A
Q = H_i %*% Q
DECOMPOSITION = list("Q"= t(Q), "R"= round(A,7),
"contracted Q as in qr()$qr lower triang"=$qr function:
reflectors[r: nrow(A), r] = w/t
# The Householder tranformation is:
I = diag(length(r:nrow(A)))
H.transf = I - 1/t * (w %*% t(w))
H_i = diag(nrow(A))
H_i[r:nrow(A),r:ncol(A)] = H.transf
# And we apply the Householder reflection - we left multiply the entire A or Q
A = H_i %*% A
Q = H_i %*% Q
DECOMPOSITION = list("Q"= t(Q), "R"= round(A,7),
"compact Q as in qr()$qr"=
"reflectors" = reflectors,
"rho"=c(apply(reflectors[,1:(ncol(reflectors)- 1)], 2,
function(x) sum(x^2) / 2), ((-1)^nrow(A))*A[nrowA[nrow(A),ncol(A)]))