I am trying to do some kind of parameter values optimization loop with Random Forest,For which is going to vary different set of parameter values. of predictors (numerical) will my response variable (factor) be guaranteed to equal a certain level (using Random Forest)
I am going to explain it on base of the iris
Goal --> I need to get as many species of setosa
as possible
The way --> i must find the best (representative) combination of: "Sepal.Length","Sepal.Width","Petal.Length","Petal.Width"
values, which identify only setosa and not any other species.
I would appreciate any help as i cannot find any hint or way how to handle this problem.
--> mean of the parameters set in the group of setosa is not sufficient! (as in my original dataset the difference between groups are not that clear!)
To get a bit background of my real problem is that i have different temperature sensors at different points in the production line, and i must identify which combination of those temperatures leads to good quality product, and which combination leads to bad quality product, i think it is very simple to understand. We must find best combination of temperatures and try to achieve it at the production.
I have found a similar question on cross validated (but my target value is a factor, not numeric as in this case, but the main princip is the same:
How would I be able to find for which values of inputs do i get the setosa target variable
), however it has not been answered.