- I am trying to design a product for weekly ratings (1-5) of an entity. The entity's rating will be reset every year. I know most of the weeks the rating will be the same (3) and I want a way to give more weight-age to 4 (which can occur only 5 to 6 times a year) and a rating of 5, which can happen only 2-3 times a year. Is there a way I can ignore the Arithmeticarithmetic mean and use any other metric / strategy that highlights the outliers so that the entities which get the occassionaloccasional 5 star stand out far than the regular 3s or 4s?
For eg. I have an Object 1 which has got 3 rating for all 40 weeks and 4 rating for 12 weeks (Avg - 3.23) should be of less value than an Object 2 which has got 3 rating for 48 weeks and 5 rating for 4 weeks (Avg - 3.15). I want Object 2 to be ranked better with higher rating and the difference should be also significant.
- Will it help my cause if I use a separate scale as in software user story sizing (1,2,3,5,8) instead of (1,2,3,4,5)?