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Questions tagged [ranking]

Ranking is the task (for respondents) or the result of ordering the given stimuli or performers from "highest" to "lowest" (or *vice versa*) in some respect. It is usually contrasted with rating of stimuli. (For ranking as a way of data transformation - use tag [ranks]).

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Survey with forced ranking

I have created a survey with a ranking scale of 1 = Least effective, 2= Somewhat effective 3= Effective 4 = Most effective. People answering the questions were forced to select only one response per ...
Paola Seminara's user avatar
4 votes
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Relationship between AUC and Cross-entropy

I understand that AUC measures the model's ability to rank the subjects (see Why is ROC AUC equivalent to the probability that two randomly-selected samples are correctly ranked?). In contrast, binary ...
iRum's user avatar
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Ranking the best products based on availability

Let's say I have a typical sales dataset where I have a row per order number and the individual products in each order. With this dataset, I am asked to recommend a new product. My initial approach ...
Korean_Of_the_Mountain's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

How can I order or sort many distributions, then summarize the "quantiles" of this ordered list?

What are the best practices for sorting a large number of distributions? What are some of the pros and cons of different ways to do this? Let's say I am working with Likert responses to a survey ...
civilstat's user avatar
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Percentage changes versus absolute changes when comparing rankings

We are analyzing the ranking changes of countries based on an economic index to determine whether these variations are significant. For example, Country A moves from rank 5 to rank 3, representing a ...
jmatosv's user avatar
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How to create a rank from ranks?

I have calculated ranks for each row based on a condition on each column. Now I have, ...
Windy Day's user avatar
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Computing heuristic from winrate and number of games

I need to sort big sets of players (of a MOBA) based on their performance represented by their - number of - games and their winrate on these games. I reduced the initial set of players based on their ...
Axel Carré's user avatar
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fuzzy decission making

I'm working on decision-making using Double Hierarchy Fuzzy Linguistic terms. I want to ask if can we compare two Double Hierarchy Fuzzy Linguistic terms. I am trying to implement the TODIM algorithm ...
Mehwish Tahir Mathematics's user avatar
10 votes
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What is the best way of combining multiple rankings into one?

Suppose I have $N$ different items to be ranked, and $M$ different people who provide a ranking of the items according to their personal preference. What is the best way of combining all rankings into ...
akvilas's user avatar
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Effective pairwise comparisons for group ranking?

Suppose I have a list of items(~3500 in number) and I want to do a group based ranking into 4-5 groups. I can get pairwise comparisons between the elements but I want to choose the items to compare in ...
something something's user avatar
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Finding the most-similar color palette [closed]

I have a dataset of several thousand color palettes: for each row in a dataset, I have the ten most common RGB values in an image, and the fraction of that color in the overall image: ...
Saul Aryeh Kohn's user avatar
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Predicting the order/ranking of continuous observations

I have a problem that is kind of similar to ordinal regression, but not the same. If I understand it correctly, in ordinal regression we try to predict ordered labels, e.g. the number of stars a book ...
programmer_by_need's user avatar
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Estimating maximum effect size and Skillings-Mack test

I'm working with data that fit the Skillings-Mack test: unbalanced incomplete block design. Or Friedman-test-like with missing data. In case of negative test result I'd like to estimate the maximum ...
Hubert Kario's user avatar
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How to rank data based on multiple variables

I need help in ranking data, says car models in this case, based on multiple variables. For some variables (eg. mpg), the higher the better. For some variables (eg. car age), the lower the better. For ...
zZzZ's user avatar
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A Rank comparison test? [closed]

Is there a test that one can use to perform rank comparison tests. In other words if I have 2 variables (say income in all 10 regions of country X; and, income in all 10 regions of country Y) and I ...
cel's user avatar
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Correlations among rankings

In my study, participants ranked their preferences for several choices. Because moving one choice up necessarily means moving one or more choices down, nearly all correlations (Pearson's r) are ...
statsexplorer2024's user avatar
6 votes
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XGBoost Learning to Rank with XGBClassifier

I am trying to build a model trained on binary labels that has a high precision for the top k predicted instances, and don’t care too much about recall or precision more generally. I was then ...
A. Bollans's user avatar
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Compare multiclass probabilities for two classifiers

I have two algorithms that produce, for every observation, a vector of probabilities for 3 classes ...
Alessandro Bitetto's user avatar
4 votes
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Is the relation "not FOSD" transitive?

$X:\Omega\to [0,1]$ is a random variable. It is known that first order stochastic dominance FOSD is a partial order that is transitive: $X$ FOSD $Y$, $Y$ FOSD $Z$ implies $X$ FOSD $Z$. Now consider ...
High GPA's user avatar
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Model test sensitivity to ability

I have a set of tests and a population of agents whose ability I want to assess. Each agent has taken some of the tests. The agents have no memory of the tests they have taken, so each time an agent ...
Epimetheus's user avatar
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Determine "best" winrate between data with different sample sizes

Setup I've a collection of winrates where each winrate represents a particular combination of "power ups" a player can select for a character they play in a game. The numerator represents ...
Ryan's user avatar
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How to evaluate the validity of my teaching methods through analyzing the data of the students' ranks in a grade through time?

I also posted the question at Problems I want to solve I want to be a ...
Boy Head's user avatar
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Comparing proxy metrics to human evaluations

I have two proxy metrics, and I'd like to see which of them correlates more strongly with human ratings. I have ~30 questions, and for each question 3 humans independently give a score on a 1-10 scale....
augray's user avatar
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5 answers

Hypothesis testing for a sequence (ranking)

Let's say I must taste and rank 4 bottles of wine by price. The true ranking is [X,Y,Z,W]. The ranking I provide after tasting is [X,Y,W,Z], where X,Y,Z,W are different bottles of wine. Which ...
Antonello's user avatar
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Modeling player interactions in multi-dimensional rating systems

In traditional rating systems (such as Elo), a player's strength is represented by a single scalar value, which is assumed to be consistent across different opponents. However, in some games, the ...
mb1's user avatar
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rank aggregation with partial ranking lists

My question is about rank aggregation, which is in relation with statistics and decision sciences. (if this question is off the topic of this site, plz let me know.) The question is that I have N ...
Maul Seil's user avatar
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Example probability model predicting vectors of ranks?

Background I'll confess, I like Richard McElreath's lectures so much that I've been watching his backlog of lectures (even though I've already seen all of the recent lectures of the same course). In ...
Galen's user avatar
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calculating a statistically significant difference in means between groups

A large number of subjects repeatedly pass or fail a test. The test frequency is irregular and randomized per user. Organize this data set in groups by the average test frequency being once per week (...
Martin's user avatar
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Best way of determining how unique an inspector's ratings are compared to the average inspector

Noob question. I have a full population of every inspector rating for all items being rated. Each inspector has inspected a subset of the items and given them a rating, but different inspectors have ...
inspecting_inspectors's user avatar
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What are the undefined constants and functions in Stern's 2011 paper?

I'm reading the 2011 paper on ranking called Moderated Paired Comparisons by Steven E. Stern and there are no definitions given for some of the constants and functions in equation 1. As you can see, ...
Vivek Joshy's user avatar
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Rank clusters based on mean feature value and variance feature value of the cluster

I would like to rank clusters according to their importance. From 113 demand time series data I extract the following 6 features from each time series. "Average Demand", "n95 demand&...
Jose_Peeterson's user avatar
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Are paired matches in ranked data independent, if the original, unranked, continuous pairs are independent?

Let $(X, Y)$ be a randomly drawn sample of $n$ paired observations from a bivariate continuous population. It is clear that each pair is independent of the others, both pairwise and mutually. Let $R(X,...
virtuolie's user avatar
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How do I test the significance of a distribution of tau coefficients?

I have (I think) a simple question. I estimated rank-orderings on a variable from a sample of 225 people, and I'm interested to know whether they generally correlated with a "correct" rank-...
DegreesOfWhat's user avatar
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Weighted Spearman Rank correlation proof

I have been searching for alternate measures to compute spearman rank correlation that incorporates some sort of weighting in the calculation. I came across this paper by David C. Blest on weighted ...
Jor_El's user avatar
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Bayesian estimation for a ranking outcome variable

I'm interested in modeling how a ranking depends on a continuous feature. I have many related groups of these rankings, so I want to use partial pooling with the usual Bayesian machinery, but I'm ...
qsfzy's user avatar
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How to determine sample size for number of pairwise comparisons for item ranking

Suppose I have 100 items and I would like to come up with their ranking based on user preferences. i.e. each item should receive a rank from between 1-100, where 1 is the most preferred item and 100 ...
phil's user avatar
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Rank Neurons Importance of the latent space of an Autoencoder using PCA

I am trying to extract only the important neurons from the latent space of an Autoencoder to be converted later to a pattern for a model pattern recognizer. PCA Loadings helps in finding the highest ...
hatahetahmad's user avatar
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How to Compute Weighted Kendall's Tau for Health Data?

I am analyzing a dataset that includes sequences of patients and their associated health values, both provided by different doctors. Each sequence represents the treatment order, and the health values ...
satya's user avatar
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Best way to rank list of values having overlapping uncertainties

I have a list of individuals and their success rates on a task. The count of tasks for each varies widely, so the uncertainty in the estimates of their proficiency varies. Furthermore, typical ...
user3897315's user avatar
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Statistical model for likelihood that an athlete will "place" in track and field

I'm trying to come up with some sort of statistical model to predict how likely an athlete would be to place in a track and field event (e.g. 100m run) based on their time. I was thinking it would be ...
Mike Scannell's user avatar
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Comparing two ranked list with scores

I want to compare two ranked lists with items and their confidence scores assigned by the model. The lists are non-conjoint, i.e. can have different items. The number of items is the same for both ...
Deniz 's user avatar
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Comparing frequencies or proportions between two groups to find differences

Suppose I have two groups of users, A and B. In case it is relevant, B is much smaller than A. I have a feature of products purchased across two groups. I want to find items whose popularity is ...
8e9yQBKVlIDwoIVegfkJ's user avatar
5 votes
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Ranking of multiple raters with partially overlapping assessments

Ranking of Raters and Cases I am looking for a method for ranking a set of raters with partially overlapping binary assessments. I also want to rank the cases according to their difficulty. Context I ...
Filip's user avatar
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Statistical methods for ranking units

The problem: Suppose I have an ordered sample of $n$ observations (e.g. a playlist of songs) that are ranked according to some latent (unobserved) feature, for each of which $p$ covariates are ...
WHoZ's user avatar
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Does the rank transform preserve signum of Spearman correlation between parameter estimates across samples?

Suppose we have real-valued random variables $X$, $Y$, with noise $\epsilon$ that is independent of $X$ and $Y$ and $\mathbb{E}[\epsilon] = 0$, and measurable function $f$. I am thinking about ...
Galen's user avatar
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Ranked data and hypothesis testing

I have a few questions regarding ranked data and hypothesis testing. Hypothesis: Car drivers are more likely to consider the car as the most beneficial transportation method for mental health than ...
csira_allapot_5876's user avatar
2 votes
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Optimizing XGBClassifier for discrimination power

I am developing a credit risk decisioning model, i.e. a model that assesses the risk of default of an incoming transactions and decides whether to accept it or not. Of course my dataset is imbalanced :...
Anatole's user avatar
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Distribution of the rank of a sample from a normal distribution among a set of samples from a different normal distribution

I draw a single sample from a given standard normal distribution: $Y \sim N(0, 1)$. I also draw $n$ samples from a different normal distribution: $X_i \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)$ for $i=1...n$. What is the ...
onestop's user avatar
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What is the best way to combine individual rankings to provide an overall group ranking?

If I have 50 people randomly split into 5 groups of 10 people, I can rank the groups based on their combined weight. If I were to rank each person based on their individual weight, what would be the ...
user384069's user avatar
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Is this a learning to rank problem? [duplicate]

I'm stuck on a problem I'm trying to "translate" into ML terms so as to dig deeper into the literature. Setup I have n samples for which I generate k $\in (0, 40]$ different low-dimensional ...
this.isnt.nathan's user avatar

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