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Help Selecting Statistical Test

I am looking for advice on how to analyze some experimental data.

My DV is a binary response variable - yes or no (coded as 1 and 0).

Usually when I run experiments I fully cross all conditions and use ANOVA (with a continuous DV). However, this time I did not fully cross. Basically, there are 6 conditions and each condition adds an element to the previous condition.

More specifically, I am looking at participants' beliefs regarding company responsibility in specific circumstances. So condition #1 is a control where I tell people the bare minimum information. In condition #2 I add on by telling them how the company usually behaves. In condition #3 I tell them how the company usually behaves PLUS describe a specific victim of the company. Condition 4 contains everything in condition 2 and 3 but adds one new factor.

I want to be able to see the effect of adding in that next additional piece of information in each condition, but I am not sure where to start. A similar paper in my field does something similar and they call it "hierarchical logistic regression" but I think some have objected to him calling it that saying it is not the appropriate term.

I have access to SPSS and R and SAS. I am most comfortable in SPSS and am OK in R and am below average in SAS. Any help is appreciated.