$$ y_{ist} = \alpha + \gamma T_{s} + \lambda d_{t} + \beta(T_{s} \cdot d_{t}) + \epsilon_{ist}, $$$$ y_{ist} = \gamma T_{s} + \lambda d_{t} + \beta(T_{s} \cdot d_{t}) + \epsilon_{ist}, $$
where, for example, we may observe individual/entity $i$, in state $s$, at time period $t$. In this setting, $T_{s}$ indexesis a dummy equal to 1 in only those states exposed to treatment, 0 otherwise. The variable $d_{t}$ indexes periods after treatment in both treatment and control groups. Because $d_{t}$ is the same across all $s$, this model is used when treated states enter into the treatment condition at precisely the same time.