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I can extract a control group from the data with a similar timeframe for subjects that didn’t receive the treatment.

I can extract a control group from the data with a similar timeframe for subjects that didn’t receive the treatment.

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What is the appropriate statistical test for pairwise comparisons across different points in time?

I'm wondering what the best statistical test for the following situation:

I have a table that looks like the following:

| Subject | Prior Datetime  | Prior Value | Post Datetime   | Post Value |
| 1       | 4/2/2020 15:16  | 36.6        | 4/3/2020 2:04   | 69.7       |
| 2       | 4/2/2020 8:27   | 25.8        | 4/3/2020 4:23   | 64.6       |
| 3       | 3/29/2020 3:41  | 10.4        | 3/30/2020 3:02  | 93.0       |
| 4       | 3/25/2020 11:45 | 28.2        | 3/25/2020 14:44 | 96.6       |
| 5       | 3/26/2020 0:39  | 49.9        | 3/26/2020 6:30  | 66.1       |
| 6       | 3/25/2020 14:18 | 31.8        | 3/26/2020 4:38  | 83.1       |
| 7       | 3/26/2020 10:17 | 11.2        | 3/27/2020 5:50  | 83.8       |
| 8       | 3/21/2020 13:39 | 20.2        | 3/21/2020 21:27 | 83.8       |
| 9       | 3/22/2020 15:48 | 25.7        | 3/23/2020 10:15 | 76.7       |
| 10      | 3/21/2020 14:27 | 8.6         | 3/21/2020 23:11 | 64.6       |
| 11      | 3/24/2020 1:32  | 41.3        | 3/24/2020 7:33  | 75.4       |
| 12      | 3/22/2020 12:47 | 32.6        | 3/22/2020 20:15 | 72.9       |
| .       | .               | .           | .               | .          |
| .       | .               | .           | .               | .          |
| .       | .               | .           | .               | .          |

Basically, the subjects received treatment X between the Prior Datetime and the Post Datetime (and this administration timestamp is available), and the values at those times were taken, although the specific times at which they were done are not consistent (it could have been 5 minutes before or after treatment X, or 25 hours before or after treatment X).

My hypothesis is that the treatment X increases the value of the test in question - which is what we are seeing in the data empirically. What is the best statistical test to test for this?

I've had a few considerations

  • It must be pairwise for obvious reasons
  • I can't use something like a paired t-test/Wilcoxon test because there is a 'variable' element of time instead of just a Pre/Post treatment (or would this be the best way of doing it?).
  • Is it best to deal with timestamps, or should I convert to an 'offset' variable (i.e. number of seconds different from the treatment)?
  • Could I treat this as a modeling/regression problem, where the time offset is the independent variable, and the value is dependent? How do you incorporate the paired nature of the data?