A normal probability plot is defined as a plot of $n$ pairs:
($[100(i-0.5)/n]$ th $z$ percentile, $i$th observation).
Theoretically the points should fall close to a straight line with slope $\sigma$ and intercept $\mu$, the population sd and mean of the observed random variable. But as shown in simulation results with R, the intercept seems always lower than $\mu$, why?
Here is the R code that I used:
simu = function(n) {
y = sort(rnorm(n, 40, .1))
yperc = ((1:n)-.5)/n
x = qnorm(yperc)
And the plot I get:
Also, the points in the middle always look denser than those on the two sides, why?
The link @whuber gave in the comments is really helpful. I will just write down some notes here for future reference. Imposing a linear percentage function on the orders, and under the restriction of symmetry, we have $f(i) = ai + b$, $f(n+1-i) = a(n+1-i) + b$, also $f(n+1-i) + f(i) = 1$, combining these, we get $a(n+1) + 2b = 1$, giving $a$ an arbitrary value of $1/n$, then $b$ has to be equal to $-0.5/n$.