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It is fairly easy just to run a normal regression in R, as R automatically know how to code dummies as soon as they are of the type "factor". However this type of coding also implies that onone category from each variable is used as a baseline, making it hard to interpret.

Until now iI have tried:

It is fairly easy just to run a normal regression in R, as R automatically know how to code dummies as soon as they are of the type "factor". However this type of coding also implies that on category from each variable is used as a baseline, making it hard to interpret.

Until now i have tried:

It is fairly easy just to run a normal regression in R, as R automatically know how to code dummies as soon as they are of the type "factor". However this type of coding also implies that one category from each variable is used as a baseline, making it hard to interpret.

Until now I have tried:

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Until now i have tried:

gm <- mean(tapply(ds$ln.crea, ds$month,  mean))
model <- lm(ln.crea ~ month + month*month + year + year*year, data = ds, contrasts = list(gm = contr.sum))

lm(formula = ln.crea ~ month + month * month + year + year * 
    year, data = ds, contrasts = list(gm = contr.sum))

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.89483 -0.19239 -0.03651  0.14955  0.89671 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -3.244493   0.204502 -15.865   <2e-16 ***
monthFeb    -0.124035   0.144604  -0.858   0.3928    
monthMar    -0.365223   0.144604  -2.526   0.0129 *  
monthApr    -0.240314   0.144604  -1.662   0.0993 .  
monthMay    -0.109138   0.144604  -0.755   0.4520    
monthJun    -0.350185   0.144604  -2.422   0.0170 *  
monthJul     0.050518   0.144604   0.349   0.7275    
monthAug    -0.206436   0.144604  -1.428   0.1562    
monthSep    -0.134197   0.142327  -0.943   0.3478    
monthOct    -0.178182   0.142327  -1.252   0.2132    
monthNov    -0.119126   0.142327  -0.837   0.4044    
monthDec    -0.147681   0.142327  -1.038   0.3017    
year1999     0.482988   0.200196   2.413   0.0174 *  
year2000    -0.018540   0.200196  -0.093   0.9264    
year2001    -0.166511   0.200196  -0.832   0.4073    
year2002    -0.056698   0.200196  -0.283   0.7775    
year2003    -0.173219   0.200196  -0.865   0.3887    
year2004     0.013831   0.200196   0.069   0.9450    
year2005     0.007362   0.200196   0.037   0.9707    
year2006    -0.281472   0.200196  -1.406   0.1625    
year2007    -0.266659   0.200196  -1.332   0.1855    
year2008    -0.248883   0.200196  -1.243   0.2164    
year2009    -0.153083   0.200196  -0.765   0.4461    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 

Residual standard error: 0.3391 on 113 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.3626, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2385 
F-statistic: 2.922 on 22 and 113 DF,  p-value: 0.0001131 

Until now i have tried:

gm <- mean(tapply(ds$ln.crea, ds$month,  mean))
model <- lm(ln.crea ~ month + month*month + year + year*year, data = ds, contrasts = list(gm = contr.sum))

lm(formula = ln.crea ~ month + month * month + year + year * 
    year, data = ds, contrasts = list(gm = contr.sum))

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.89483 -0.19239 -0.03651  0.14955  0.89671 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -3.244493   0.204502 -15.865   <2e-16 ***
monthFeb    -0.124035   0.144604  -0.858   0.3928    
monthMar    -0.365223   0.144604  -2.526   0.0129 *  
monthApr    -0.240314   0.144604  -1.662   0.0993 .  
monthMay    -0.109138   0.144604  -0.755   0.4520    
monthJun    -0.350185   0.144604  -2.422   0.0170 *  
monthJul     0.050518   0.144604   0.349   0.7275    
monthAug    -0.206436   0.144604  -1.428   0.1562    
monthSep    -0.134197   0.142327  -0.943   0.3478    
monthOct    -0.178182   0.142327  -1.252   0.2132    
monthNov    -0.119126   0.142327  -0.837   0.4044    
monthDec    -0.147681   0.142327  -1.038   0.3017    
year1999     0.482988   0.200196   2.413   0.0174 *  
year2000    -0.018540   0.200196  -0.093   0.9264    
year2001    -0.166511   0.200196  -0.832   0.4073    
year2002    -0.056698   0.200196  -0.283   0.7775    
year2003    -0.173219   0.200196  -0.865   0.3887    
year2004     0.013831   0.200196   0.069   0.9450    
year2005     0.007362   0.200196   0.037   0.9707    
year2006    -0.281472   0.200196  -1.406   0.1625    
year2007    -0.266659   0.200196  -1.332   0.1855    
year2008    -0.248883   0.200196  -1.243   0.2164    
year2009    -0.153083   0.200196  -0.765   0.4461    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 

Residual standard error: 0.3391 on 113 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.3626, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2385 
F-statistic: 2.922 on 22 and 113 DF,  p-value: 0.0001131 
Changed effect sizes to effect coding
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