Let's say I have a parametrised distribution $X|\theta$ and a sample from the posterior distribution of $\theta$, $\hat{\theta}_1,...,\hat{\theta}k$$\hat{\theta}_1,...,\hat{\theta}_k$. If I was interested in the CDF of the predictive distribution evaluated at $x_0$, $F_X(x_0)$, I could use this sample to measure uncertainty around a central estimate given by
$$ \hat{F}_X(x_0) = \frac{1}{k} \sum_{j=1}^k F_{X|\theta}(x_0|\hat{\theta}_j) $$
and that would be an unbiased estimator since
$$ F_X(x_0) = \int_\Theta F_{X|\theta}(x_0|\theta)\cdot f(\theta) d\theta = \mathbb{E}_\theta[F_{X|\theta}(x_0|\theta)] $$
However if I was interested instead in the quantile of the predictive distribution at some $p \in (0,1)$, $F^{-1}_X(p)$, I don't think I can do the same because $F^{-1}_X(p) \neq \mathbb{E}_\theta[F^{-1}_{X|\theta}(p|\theta)]$. I can numerically find $\hat{q}$ such that
$$ \frac{1}{k} \sum_{j=1}^k F_{X|\theta}(\hat{q}|\hat{\theta}_j) = p $$
but then I wouldn't have any measure of variability around this estimate. What would be the proper way to do this?