The fundamental problem of causal inference says that only one potential outcome is observed for each unit.
What happenhappens if both outcomes from control and treatment can be observed? Can we still make use of analysis tooltools like causal treetrees to understand heterogeneous treatment effecteffects?
As a concrete example, suppose we are an online searchingsearch engine and want to better understand how to serve ads. Each time a user enters a search query (request), we pick an adsad from a collection of N$N$ ads and show it to the user. For each of these N$N$ ads, there are 2 versions, one with an image and one without. We randomize users into a control group and a treatment group (same distribution of users in each group), where users in the control group will see ads without an image and users in the treatment group will see ads with an image. By the end of the experiment, for each adsad we record the total number of clicks by users in the control group as well as in the treatment group.
In this particular case, each adsad is an experimentexperimental unit, and we are able to observe outcomes from both the treatment group and the control group. We want to understand if we should add an image to the ads or not.
In addition, each ad has its feature (e.g., associated company, promoted product, etc.), and we want to understand which group of ads will benefit the most from the addition of images. My question is , in such a case, can we follow the routineroutines in treatment effect analysis? If not, what's a more suitable framework?