Accuracy aka Rand aka Simple Matching coefficient, symmetric, ranges [0,1].
1-ACC is called Missclassification (or Error) Rate and is linearly equivalent to the squared euclidean distance.
Recall aka Sensitivity aka True Positive Rate aka Hit Rate aka Positive Accuracy, asymmetric (counterpart value =PRE), ranges [0,1].
Specificity aka True Negative Rate aka Negative Accuracy, asymmetric (counterpart value =NPV), ranges [0,1].
Youden's index, asymmetric, ranges [-1,1].
Precision aka Positive Predictive Value, asymmetric (counterpart value =REC), ranges [0,1].
1-PRE is called False Discovery Rate.
Negative Predictive Value, asymmetric (counterpart value =SPE), ranges [0,1].
Markedness index, asymmetric, ranges [-1,1].
F1 aka F Measure aka Dice Matching coefficient, symmetric, ranges [0,1], it is the harmonic mean of REC and PRE.
$F1=2a/(2a+b+c)=2PRE∙REC⁄(PRE+REC)$$F1=2a/(2a+b+c)=2PRE \cdot REC⁄(PRE+REC)$
F-beta aka generalized or weighted F Measure, generally asymmetric, ranges [0,1], it is the weighted harmonic mean of REC and PRE.
$FBETA=(1+ beta^2)PRE∙REC⁄(beta^2 PRE+REC)$$FBETA=(1+ beta^2)PRE \cdot REC⁄(beta^2 PRE+REC)$
where parameter beta (0,+∞): If beta<1, PRE receives greater weight than REC; if beta>1, REC receives greater weight than PRE. At beta=1 FBETA turns into F1.
Kulczynski 2 coefficient, symmetric, ranges [0,1], it is the arithmetic mean of REC and PRE.
logarithm of Diagnostic Odds Ratio, symmetric, ranges [-∞,+∞].
$LNDOR= \ln (ad⁄bc)$
Discriminant Power, symmetric, ranges [-∞,+∞].
$DP= \frac{\sqrt 3}{\pi} (\ln \frac{REC}{1-SPE} + \ln \frac{SPE}{1-REC})$
Matthews correlation aka Phi correlation, symmetric, ranges [-1,1]. This is just the Pearson correlation in case of binary data.
$CORR= \frac{ad-bc}{\sqrt{(a+b)(a+c)(b+d)(c+d)}} = \frac{a/N-SP}{\sqrt{SP(1-S)(1-P)}}$
where $S=(a+b)/N$ and $P=(a+c)/N$.
Balanced Classification Rate, asymmetric, ranges [0,1], it is the arithmetic mean of REC and SPE and it is the AUC (area under the curve) in the ROC space, for a single point there.
GM Measure, asymmetric, ranges [0,1], it is the geometric mean of REC and SPE.
$GM=\sqrt{REC∙SPE}$$GM=\sqrt{REC \cdot SPE}$
Adjusted GM Measure, asymmetric, ranges [0,1], is a modification of GM designed to better cope with unbalanced classes.
$AGM= \frac{GM+SPE∙Q}{1+Q}$$AGM= \frac{GM+SPE \cdot Q}{1+Q}$, andand with REC=0$REC=0$, AGM=0$AGM=0$
where $Q=(d+c)/N$
If the positive class is disproportionally small, this measure may be preferable to GM because it is more sensitive to changes in SPE than to changes in REC.
Optimized Precision, asymmetric, ranges [-∞,1]. The measure is higher when a and d both are high.
Jaccard aka Tanimoto Matching coefficient, symmetric, ranges [0,1].