I am currently studying ARIMA models. When I checked for a pythonPython library to train one, I stumbled upon statsmodelsstatsmodels
which features ARIMA (and SARIMAX from which ARIMA inherits). However, there is one thing I'm not quite sure toI understand.
When differenciatingdifferencing, we account for a trend in the time serieseries. Nevertheless, we can still specify a deterministic trend in the model argument.
From what I understood, setting a deterministic trend will:
- result in more accurate forecasts thanks to a fixed variance
- not be able to adjust if the trend changes. For instance if a metric goes from growing up rapidly to having a slight slope, the model with the deterministic trend will continue with the same slope.
whatWhat are the differences between the two options?
Is there a use case where it would be useful to put both a trend and a integral order?
thank you in advance for your time.