This is a very basic, dumb question, but I couldn't find an answer, and on the top of that I'm generally suspicious of common sense/intuition.
I feel like it is "cheating" when saying "80% of people in the sample liked the banana flavor" when there are less than 100 people in the whole sample. But maybe I'm wrong, hence my question. I see at least two problems:
it could be somehow misleading if I omit to mention the sample size
there are percentages impossible to attain, for instance it's impossible to have any percentage between 0 and 10% if there are just 10 people in the sample
Am I overcautious here, and is it actually OK to use percentages like that? Or is it really a problem? Does it have other problems I did not identify?
I'm not sure why the question has been closed (the message at the top says it's not about a question about statistics, is it a mistake? Should I post it on the mathematics stackexchange instead, if I understand correctly the help page?). Someone in the answers sayscommented that it depends on the context, but I don't have a specific example in mind so my question is "it depends on what?". When is it fine to report percentages with a sample size less than 100, and when is it not fine?
TL;DR: If I understand correctly the current answers, it is always fine to report percentages as long as I report the sample size too. Not reporting the sample size along percentages is always problematic. Is that statement correct, or are there additional things to consider? Thank you.