similarSimilar questions have been asked but have not managed to get a conclusion from them. I
I am comparing two sets of samples, where ratios have been obtained for several analytes per sample. So the values are restricted to be in the [0,1] interval. One set of samples has been used as reference to set the limits for each analyte. In fact, the analytes are generally restricted to be in a range included within this interval (say between 0 and 0.27, or between 0.34 and 0.63, depending on analyte) I.
I show an example where I have plotted the density plots for both sets of samples (reference in green) and also the QQplot. You can see that the possible ratios for this analyte are restricted to be less than 0.17. The limit was empirically set by the green distribution which is the reference.
Using R commands and the smsm
package to graphically compare distributions
[1] 332
[1] 210[[44]][,8],X[[45]][,8]),group=c(rep(1,length(X[[44]][,8])),rep(2,length(X[[45]][,8]))),model="equal",band=FALSE)
[1] 332
[1] 210[[44]][, 8], X[[45]][, 8]),
group=c(rep(1, length(X[[44]][, 8])),
rep(2, length(X[[45]][,8]))), model="equal", band=FALSE)
Shapiro-Wilk normality test
data: X[[44]][, 8]
W = 0.9693, p-value = 1.748e-06
shapiro.test(X[[45]][, 8])
Shapiro-Wilk normality test
data: X[[45]][, 8]
W = 0.9782, p-value = 0.002443
shapiro.test(X[[44]][, 8])
Shapiro-Wilk normality test
data: X[[44]][, 8]
W = 0.9693, p-value = 1.748e-06
shapiro.test(X[[45]][, 8])
Shapiro-Wilk normality test
data: X[[45]][, 8]
W = 0.9782, p-value = 0.002443
t.test(X[[44]][,8],X[[45]][,8]) #regardless of non-normality since sample size is rather large
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: X[[44]][, 8] and X[[45]][,8]
t = 4.7662, df = 470.761, p-value = 2.506e-06
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
0.003906504 0.009387357
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
0.06604217 0.05939524
Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
data: X[[44]][, 8] and X[[45]][,8]
W = 44455.5, p-value = 6.545e-08
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: X[[44]][, 8] and X[[45]][,8]
D = 0.2584, p-value = 6.951e-08
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
t.test(X[[44]][,8],X[[45]][,8]) # regardless of non-normality
# since sample size is rather large
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: X[[44]][, 8] and X[[45]][,8]
t = 4.7662, df = 470.761, p-value = 2.506e-06
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
0.003906504 0.009387357
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
0.06604217 0.05939524
Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
data: X[[44]][, 8] and X[[45]][,8]
W = 44455.5, p-value = 6.545e-08
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: X[[44]][, 8] and X[[45]][,8]
D = 0.2584, p-value = 6.951e-08
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
qcomhd(X[[44]][,8],X[[45]][,8], q = seq(.1, .9, by=.1))
q n1 n2 est.1 est.2 est.1_minus_est.2 ci.low ci.up p_crit p.value signif
1 0.1 332 210 0.04670665 0.04048838 0.006218272 0.0026910365 0.00928384 0.016666667 0.001 YES
2 0.2 332 210 0.05333198 0.04579936 0.007532620 0.0036450303 0.01091243 0.012500000 0.000 YES
3 0.3 332 210 0.05827195 0.05148210 0.006789846 0.0038079921 0.01072252 0.010000000 0.000 YES
4 0.4 332 210 0.06297303 0.05443425 0.008538777 0.0057801177 0.01134807 0.008333333 0.000 YES
5 0.5 332 210 0.06700634 0.05719850 0.009807839 0.0071635533 0.01236572 0.007142857 0.000 YES
6 0.6 332 210 0.07026849 0.06059111 0.009677378 0.0062359534 0.01242078 0.006250000 0.000 YES
7 0.7 332 210 0.07382629 0.06592428 0.007902005 0.0037463285 0.01219320 0.005555556 0.000 YES
8 0.8 332 210 0.07889714 0.07283984 0.006057305 0.0013907057 0.01080278 0.025000000 0.009 YES
9 0.9 332 210 0.08528227 0.08124071 0.004041560 -0.0004749558 0.00909416 0.050000000 0.079 NO
qcomhd(X[[44]][, 8], X[[45]][, 8], q = seq(.1, .9, by=.1))
q n1 n2 est.1 est.2 est.1_minus_est.2 ci.low ci.up p_crit p.value signif
1 0.1 332 210 0.04670665 0.04048838 0.006218272 0.0026910365 0.00928384 0.016666667 0.001 YES
2 0.2 332 210 0.05333198 0.04579936 0.007532620 0.0036450303 0.01091243 0.012500000 0.000 YES
3 0.3 332 210 0.05827195 0.05148210 0.006789846 0.0038079921 0.01072252 0.010000000 0.000 YES
4 0.4 332 210 0.06297303 0.05443425 0.008538777 0.0057801177 0.01134807 0.008333333 0.000 YES
5 0.5 332 210 0.06700634 0.05719850 0.009807839 0.0071635533 0.01236572 0.007142857 0.000 YES
6 0.6 332 210 0.07026849 0.06059111 0.009677378 0.0062359534 0.01242078 0.006250000 0.000 YES
7 0.7 332 210 0.07382629 0.06592428 0.007902005 0.0037463285 0.01219320 0.005555556 0.000 YES
8 0.8 332 210 0.07889714 0.07283984 0.006057305 0.0013907057 0.01080278 0.025000000 0.009 YES
9 0.9 332 210 0.08528227 0.08124071 0.004041560 -0.0004749558 0.00909416 0.050000000 0.079 NO