I have obtained a dataset from a psychological experiment.
In the experiment, each subject completed four sessions of tasks on four different days. Each session consisted of two stages of tasks. During the first stage, the subjects completed the tasks without any additional stimuli. In the second stage, the subjects listened to music while performing the tasks. Each stage had three blocks of tasks. The music played on different days was different.
Dependent variable: Performance
Another variables: Stage(stage1,stage2), types of Music(A,B,C,D), subjects Id (1:27)
I am interested in analyzing how music influenced the subjects' performance during the tasks.From my point of view, an ANCOVA or a linear mixed model seems to be proper. I have performed
ANCOVA with performance of stage 1 as the Covariates, performance of stage 2 as the dependent variable.
aov(Stage2 ~ Stage1 * Music + Error(Id))
linear mixed model with performance as the dependent variable, stage and music as the independent variable, subject id as the random term.
lmer(Performance ~ Stage * Music + (1|Id)
However, I feel like that isn't correct. I noticed that the model structure should have music nested within stage (Because music only played during stage 2). So that I tried
linear mixed model with performance as the dependent variable, stage and music as the independent variable and have an nested structure, subject id as the random term.
lmer(Performance ~ Stage + Stage:Music + (1|Id)
Question: What are the differences between these models? Which one is better?
Performance ~ Task + Stimulus + Session + (Session | Id)
. I've added a Task factor because I think you should account for "the three blocks of tasks" in some way. $\endgroup$