I have panel data and for the I have a following equation
$$ logY = \beta_1 + \beta_2 logX + \beta_3 m logW $$
Problem is with $\beta_3$ coefficient. Since m is outside the log and it is a very small value, the overall $mlogW$ is very small and the resulting coefficient is very large (in thousands). One alternative would be to use standardization but my results change drastically if I standardize the variables. A solution I thought of was to multiply the variable with a constant such as 10000. So the new equation will become:
$$ logY = \beta_1 + \beta_2 logX + \beta_3 m logW*10000 $$
My question is, is this a right thing to do? It should only change the magnitude of the coefficients just for the sake of reporting the coefficients but actually it is changing how all the other coefficients behave when I multiply it say by 1000 or 10000.
Or is there a way to standardize the coefficients after estimation? since I have panel data, the division and multiplication with standard deviations seem complex.
Any idea how to make it work?
Thank you