Consider the Metropolis Hastings algorithm with a target distribution $\pi(x) = e^{-\beta E(x)}$ where $E$ is a real valued function (historically the energy of the physical system). (note that $\pi(x) = \pi(E(x))$).
Lets see what are the consequences of this choice to the expected relative number of samples with a given energy E, $H(E)$:
$$H(E) = \int \delta(E - E(x)) \pi(E(x)) P(x) dx = e^{-\beta E} P(E)/Z$$
where $P(E)$ is the marginal of $E$, given by
$$P(E) = \int P(x,E) dx = \int \delta(E - E(x)) P(x)dx$$
and $Z(\beta) = \int e^{-\beta E} P(E) dE$ is the normalization constant.
It is customary to write $P(E) = \exp(S(E))$ where $S$ is the entropy. This leads to
$$H(E) \propto e^{-\beta E + S(E)}$$
and the maximum of $H(E)$ occurs for $E^*$ solution of $\beta = dS/dE(E^*)$.(*)
Under the assumption that $dS/dE(E^*)$ is monotonic decreasing, increasing $\beta$ decreases $E^*$. In particular, as $\beta$ approaches $\infty$ ($-\infty$), the distribution $H(E)$ approaches a Dirac delta at $E^*=E_\min$ ($E^*=E_\max$).
When 1) $dS/dE(E^*)$ is not monotonically decreasing, this typically leads to an ergodicity breaking of the algorithm and other approaches are required. It can also happen that, even though $dS/dE(E^*)$ is monotonically decreasing, 2) the function $E(x)$ is very "rough" and the algorithm gets stuck on a particular local minima for an arbitrary long time.
To avoid 2), stimulated annealing is typically employed. To avoid 1) I'm not sure what it is typically done. I often use flat-histogram for both 1) and 2).
Two notes:
Stimulated annealing is not a MCMC because changing $\beta$ during the simulation makes the transition probability to depend on $t$ and therefore makes the algorithm non-markovian.
MH with $\beta \rightarrow \infty$ does not converge to the target distribution because it violates ergodicity. Once a given $E^*$ is achieved, any state with $E \le E^*$ is unvisitable.
The tricky part about reaching or not reaching the global minima requires analysing the actual convergence of the algorithm (e.g. polynomial, exponential); but I'm not familiar with these results. Maybe others can help on this.
(*) It is not a coincidence that this is also a definition of the microscopic thermodynamic temperature.
simulated annealing
? $\endgroup$