I understand the basic idea of regularization. I am very curious to know the derivations behind it so that I get the complete picture.
I though a good place to start learning about regularization is Linear regression. So I was going though this paper and I got stuck in between. I didn't understand how equation 4 was derived from 3 and 2.
I understand from Gradient Descent method that, you first calculate the first derivative of the loss function and try to go down the path of decreasing gradient and stop when you have found the minimum. But here I don't understand why is derivative of a loss function is divided by itself?
Can some one please help me with this?
- derivative of (3) should be $2X^T(Xw-y)$
- dividing it by (2) should be $2X^T(Xw-y) / \sum\limits_{i=1}^n(y_i-w_0 - \sum\limits_{j=1}^p x_{ij}w_j)^2$
firs of all I don't understand why is it done? what is the purpose of this step and also I don't see how that is simplified to (4).