We are working on a biological protocol measuring a patient's feature using a blood sample. This protocol has proven to have some variability (CV <= 10%).
During this process we sometime need to change a reagent batch. To be sure the new batch does not alter the results, we are running the protocol using the 2 reagent batches (current and new) on the same samples. We do collect the results in a spreadsheet.
So far we are using a sample size of 5 to 10 samples, with no good rational.
So far we have consider the reagent lot to be OK if the mean of the Coefficients of Variation of the N samples (current vs. new, sample by sample) to be < 10% (again, no good rational).
My first question : how can we calculate an optimal sample size that will ensure we can run with the new reagent. As the reagent are commercial and come with a CE mark quality certificate, the objective is to make sure the reagent is not bad (expired, exposed to a to low/high temperature during transportation/storage, etc.), not to make sure it has the exact same results as the current one.
Once we have collected the results for the 2 reagent for N samples:
data <- data.frame(
result1=c(10.83167, 17.96167, 34.97500, 37.21833, 23.19833, 29.56167, 36.32167, 40.11833),
result2=c(14.80000, 17.71333, 37.17833, 43.74500, 24.86500, 26.80500, 40.80667, 47.52667)
My second question: how can I know my second reagent batch is equivalent to the first one?
So far here is what we have done:
data <- data %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(mean=mean(c(result1, result2)), sd=sd(c(result1, result2)))
data$cv <- (data$sd/data$mean)*100
So we have data:
Classes ‘rowwise_df’, ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame': 8 obs. of 6 variables:
$ sample_id: num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
$ result1 : num 10.8 18 35 37.2 23.2 ...
$ result2 : num 14.8 17.7 37.2 43.7 24.9 ...
$ mean : num 12.8 17.8 36.1 40.5 24 ...
$ sd : num 2.806 0.176 1.558 4.615 1.179 ...
$ cv : num 21.895 0.984 4.319 11.4 4.904 ...
We have tried:
t.test(data$result1, data$result2, conf.level = 0.90, paired = T)
Paired t-test
data: data$result1 and data$result2
t = -2.4161, df = 7, p-value = 0.04636
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
90 percent confidence interval:
-5.1858973 -0.6274352
sample estimates:
mean of the differences
The standard deviation of the results using this protocol is expected to be 1.8.
But we are not sure how we can interpret these results.
My third question: how can I know I have done enough samples?
Once we have an answer to the equivalence between the 2 reagent batches (whatever the method), how can we make sure this result is strong/significant enough ?
We are using R for the statistical analyses.
Thanx in advance for any help.