I want to model plant traits as a function of environmental variables. For example, tree height as a function of fire frequency. I'm doing this to test the effects of fires on plant traits (and not to predict traits at different scenarios).
Between 15-20 individuals were measured per site, in 8 sites - so I have 15-20 values of height in each site, and one fire frequency value per site.
I started by doing Spearman correlations as a preliminary approach, using the mean height per site, but I would like to use an approach where I can use all the height values, so that all information is used.
I have seen this previous question where it is advised to try hierarchical models, using the response variable as a group-level predictor. In this other question it is mentioned the use of environmental variables as fixed effects, and site as a random effect - I suppose here site is the grouping variable.
So are both ways correct? Or should I always introduce "site" in my model to group observations?