Context: My goal is to fit a GEV distribution function to data $z$, where the location parameter is parametrised as linear combination of predictor variables $\mu(\vec{x}) = \mu_0 + \mu_1 x_1 + ...$ (like the mean/location-parameter in linear regression). However, the amount of (potential) predictors $X$ is quite large, thus I plan to apply $l_1$ Lasso-regularisation on the respective parametrisation (c.f. an earlier question).
Question: Since I (a) know/assume the functional form (a GEV) and (b) try to not just optimise the expectation $E(Z | X=x)$ (but the full distribution), I assume it's fair to regularise the log-likelihood when fitting the distribution (several articles seem to support this approach: 2 3). However, I never came across it in the literature. I assume, this is because (a) it requires knowing/assuming a functional form (which one usually doesn't in statistical learning problems) and (b) it's more costly to calculate the log-likelihood than for example a squared error loss. Is this correct, and/or are there further reasons for not using the likelihood for regularisation?