I'm looking to use a linear mixed effects model. Each participant will rate a given item using 9 scales, 1 of which is the outcome variable. There are 6 items in total. The aim is to determine which predictor is the strongest.
Due to constraints on the duration of testing sessions, we only want each participant to rate 2 of the 6 items. One option is to arbitrarily divide the 6 items into 3 non-overlapping pairs, and then randomly assign one of these pairs to each participant. Does this count as a nested design? If so, does the following R code look right?
mod <-lmer(DV~ 1 + P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 + P5 + P6 + P7 + P8 + (1 + P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 + P5 + P6 + P7 + P8|Participant) + (1 + P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 + P5 + P6 + P7 + P8|item-pairings/item), data =mydata)
The other option is to utilize all 15 unique (but overlapping) pairs, and randomly assign one to each participant. Given that the pairs overlap, is this now a crossed design? Should the code look the same as above, but with item
no longer specified as nested within item-pairings
? What should I do about item-pairings
if we go with this design? Enter it as a fixed effect? Theoretically, we're not interested in any effect of item-pairing, but maybe would it be advisable to include it in the model, regardless?
is relevant too. And also, so many random slopes... are you sure this won't lead to model identifiability issues? At first instancemod <-lmer(DV~ 1 + P1 + P2 + ... + P8 + (1|Participant/item) + (1 |item_pairings/item), data =mydata)
should be adequate for the second design option. $\endgroup$participant/item
was not picked initially. Yeah, not using probably won't be harmful, if anything it can cause identification issues so dropping it (as you initially did) is probably better. $\endgroup$(1|item_pairings) + (1|item:item_pairings)
and(1|item_pairings) + (1|item)
respectively. Do note that:(1|item:item_pairings)
is the same as(1|item)
is coded uniquely acrossitem_pairings
. Conceptually if we assuming no framing effects, then it's not uniquely coded. $\endgroup$