I've created an lmer
model. The effects of one of my treatments, "Fertilizer" varies depending on whether I use lsmeans
or difflsmeans
from lmerTest
Which should I trust, lsmeans
or difflsmeans
I have a split plot experiment. Fertilizer is the whole plot, Harvest is the split plot. Within each plot, there are 10 samples (quad). Data collected over 4 years, which I have made ordinal. The response is total biomass, which I have transformed.
> model <- lmer(logTotal ~ ordYear*Fertilizer*Harvest + (1|(Block:Fertilizer)) + (1|(Plot:Quad)), REML = FALSE, data = df)
> difflsmeans(model, test.eff="Fertilizer")
Differences of LSMEANS:
Estimate Standard Error DF t-value Lower CI Upper CI p-value
Fertilizer none-recommended -0.3 0.0868 16.0 -3.27 -0.4677 -0.0996 0.005 **
Fertilizer none-half -0.2 0.0868 16.0 -2.19 -0.3742 -0.0060 0.044 *
Fertilizer none-manure -0.1 0.0868 16.0 -0.84 -0.2572 0.1110 0.412
Fertilizer recommended-half 0.1 0.0868 16.0 1.08 -0.0905 0.2777 0.297
Fertilizer recommended-manure 0.2 0.0868 16.0 2.42 0.0264 0.3946 0.028 *
Fertilizer half-manure 0.1 0.0868 16.0 1.35 -0.0671 0.3011 0.197
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
> lsmeans(model, list(pairwise~Fertilizer))
NOTE: Results may be misleading due to involvement in interactions
$`lsmeans of Fertilizer`
Fertilizer lsmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
none 4.602075 0.07090356 21.33 4.454764 4.749387
recommended 4.885723 0.07090356 21.33 4.738411 5.033034
half 4.792150 0.07090356 21.33 4.644838 4.939462
manure 4.675189 0.07090356 21.33 4.527877 4.822500
Results are averaged over the levels of: ordYear, Harvest
Confidence level used: 0.95
$`pairwise differences of Fertilizer`
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
none - recommended -0.28364706 0.1002728 21.33 -2.829 0.0455
none - half -0.19007464 0.1002728 21.33 -1.896 0.2595
none - manure -0.07311311 0.1002728 21.33 -0.729 0.8843
recommended - half 0.09357242 0.1002728 21.33 0.933 0.7875
recommended - manure 0.21053396 0.1002728 21.33 2.100 0.1853
half - manure 0.11696153 0.1002728 21.33 1.166 0.6537
Results are averaged over the levels of: ordYear, Harvest
P value adjustment: tukey method for a family of 4 means
Thank you